Fair enough, but that was two years ago and a lot has mechanically changed since then according to a few people, so *shrug?* new discussion?
By RedSteelButterfly at Sep 18, 2019 3:40 PM
We try to keep everything on one thread, even if it involves necroing them.
By Crooknose at Sep 18, 2019 3:41 PM
Alright, so uhm...you want for me to necro that one, or just...discuss it here so there isn't two threads at the top about the same thing?
By RedSteelButterfly at Sep 18, 2019 3:42 PM
Right, post in the other one so there's only one thread, that's the usual move. If you do a search of the forums before posting a new idea, sometimes it will turn up old threads you can tack on to. It's to help prevent bloat and keep things organized.