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Stripping OOC-CHAT from Television

Television is great but OOC messages really ruin the immersion but are vital to help foster new player talent. Simple request - not much to it. :-)

Shout out to all you folks making TV awesome.

In recorded TV, NLM TV producers are actually tasked with stripping it out from recordings. The problem with stripping it out of live broadcasts is that there is no specific identifier that something is 'OOC' right now. So we would have to either...

1. Figure out a way to mark OOC chat as 'ooc' so that certain things can ignore it. (may or may not be possible).

2. Run regular expressions on everything coming into a camera (very slow).

All in all I think this is a good idea and makes complete sense. It's just a matter of figuring out the best way to do it, and refactoring some core code.