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- QueenZombean 42s
- Knyghtskye 30m
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a Kard 3h
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- Emily 22s Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 2h Doing a bit of everything.
And 32 more hiding and/or disguised

Model Apartments
Towers on Green showing off their swanky digs!

This occured to me recently: A lot of people are constantly trying to get attention of building staff for tours of apartments prior to renting; which invariably goes nowhere.

How about apartments on Green specifically having an open 'model' apartment for people to tour at their leisure, to get a feel for the look of a place?

Each apartment is subject to @redecoration, so your potential apartment wouldn't necessarily be the floor model.

Also, filthy Mixer scum sleeping in the showroom.

I think this is genius, have a generic one just to show the layout and what it comes with.
And finally, there probably wouldn't be a lot of RPing there.

-But- maybe there could be some sort of 'hologram'?

For some apartments, there are themes. So while they might each be different (due to redecoration), holograms could give a brief glance at the theme?

I think the RPing is irrelevant in this, since you need a GM to puppet the employee to ALLOW you to view the apartment as it is now.

So at worst you're taking them away from something else.

If PCs were landlords and shit, then yeah, I would say leave it alone, but as it sits, this just makes it easier on staff, do the work to build something once and stop all the people asking for tours.

RP is never irrelevant! :D

But anyways, most of the times, the NPCs don't show you tours, I think....

Or maybe there could be 'photographs' of a few rooms in the lobby area.

RP to find someone who already lives there and have them show you around.

Easy player to player interaction.

Random derail, I can't believe someone hasn't played the role of Apartment Manager in Green or Slum Lord in Red.

That seems like it would be a sweet gig.

What heliodor said.

Or...there could be a kiosk, like at the Rose or HabX where you pay for a one use door code to show yourself around. The place would be littered with cameras obviously and since there would be no real rental period sleeping there wouldn't be safe. Someone else could happen by, pay for a view, and walk right in on you while you were there. Just a thought. Easy money for the complex, anyway, and people get to have a peek. Or just a put an autocannon in there to blast any sleepers or ne'er-do-wells.