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NPC Music groups, genre's, ect.
Kick it up

Personally, I think Music isn't playing the role it should be playing in SD. There should be like, tribes and junk that follow a certain group. I know there was a topic discussing this, but here is my idea on it.

Gm's make an NPC band for certain genre's. Throw a few songs out, air them on TV, whatever.

Now, I know you can say..."Well players should be doing that." Ok. But I think if someone were to kick it off by makeing groups and setting some genre's, then players would be more inclined to play musicians.

some genre's I thought of..

Gothic-Techno-Country>>Band-Vampire Farmers

Heavy Metal-Disco>>Band- Groovy Hell??

Just some thought.

I think it is a good idea too have the music  industry to get big but I also think it would have a downside because we all know that we strive to be the "best" at SD and try to "beat" it when it is inpossible, how can you beat it? There is no way to beat it but if we were to make a music shop were you can get instruments but than suddenly everyone can play something, so I would think that it would be a necessity to almost make a skill with it. Because I think it would be cool to  
be able to type 'practice <instrument>' but you can only do it  so many times an hour. That way when you start out you suck but as things go along  you get better until you can coincide with other instruments.

I dunno just a thought.

*wanders away*

There's already a skill for that.
Quote: from Biohazard on 10:30 pm on Dec. 22, 2004[br]Personally, I think Music isn't playing the role it should be playing in SD.

I agree completely.

Quote: from Biohazard on 10:30 pm on Dec. 22, 2004[br]Gm's make an NPC band for certain genre's. Throw a few songs out, air them on TV, whatever.

Now, I know you can say..."Well players should be doing that." Ok. But I think if someone were to kick it off by makeing groups and setting some genre's, then players would be more inclined to play musicians.

One of my philosiphies as GM is to provide players with the raw materials they need for enjoyable RP and let the players take it in whatever themely direction they desire.

Even if it were not extremely labor intensive to make NPC bands for genres, write the songs, record the songs, play gigs ..  and then -maintain- all that over time, that's more of a finished product, as opposed to raw materials.

Now, what we could do, is this.

If it will help, let me know and I'll whip up and post a few genres to get started and maybe even a band name or two for each to give you a feel for the music scene in Withmore.

We will also support PCs who want to be musicians.  Now, before that's mis-interpereted to mean 'Oh, cool, I'll have a job!' Let me explain further.

You'll have the ability to have (within reason) whatever instruments you want that are themely and appropriate for a -starting- musician/band.

We'll help you out in making places available to play in (you still need to do the work to arrange the gig), and maybe if you're good, you might even get some attention from a manager.

And as always, we'll give you guidance (if you ask) on themely music and what the purpose of music is in a cyberpunk world.

I'd like to know what are some themely music genre's.  I think I've heard someone mention Neo-rap, as like some burnt techno back beats with crazy bass and someone rapping to them..
I for one want there to be a cyber POLKA!

Whoo polka!

*begins doing a polka sort of dance*

OOHHH Weity diety diety diety diety diety die


"If it will help, let me know and I'll whip up and post a few genres to get started and maybe even a band name or two for each to give you a feel for the music scene in Withmore. "

Just re-reading through here and saw this. If you're still up to posting some of that info, I'd be glad to read it. Thanks.

The following are NOT my ideas merely ones copied off some cyberpunk shite I dug up...

"Ter'r music (prenounced "tear") grew, I think, out of the 20tyh century's nihilistic hyper-affected "gothic" scene. From seeds originally sown by urban industrial and goth music, terr'r takes the experience one step beyond. Using special subsonic frequencies, terr'r music stimulates the fear centers of the human brain. These subtle sounds "create" fear in listeners.

Of course, any postgoth worth his salt is going to appreciate the irony of this, and while the vast majority of terr'r bands (like the Crypt Roses and Valhallan Reavers) turn out some truly overwrought spooky tunes, cerebral bands like Lacefisher focus on crafting what would be entertaining, amusing pop and la-la songs if they didn't creep the hell out of you whenever you heard them.

I would also like to see some additional music in the game.  I had a musician character quite a while back, but I didn't develop it like I should have.  One thing I discovered as I was searching for instruments is that *anyone* can create music in the game, you just have to work on some descriptions beforehand.

As far as genres and ideas for descriptions of music goes, here are some random thoughts (as a musician and futurist):

1. Physiological Effects - The US Military is already researching Sonic weapons (and they used Van Halen as a sonic weapon at WACO), and I think the emerging sonic technologies will be used for heavy effect in music - such as Ter'r above (making people truly fearful).  Other physiological effects could include massive sub-sonic tones that you can't hear, but you "feel", tones that affect mood (euphoria, despair, etc.), even tones that are engineered to excite particular molecules in the body to produce brief spurts of strength/agility/etc.  I think it could be arguable to have a musician, with the right instrument and a high enough skill (artistry or a tech skill?) to temporarily affect the stats of the listeners in a given room.  But I'm not coding it so it's easy for me to say :)

2. Revolution/Protest Music - There will always be protest music, and I think Withmore is ripe for an undercurrent of protest music of some sort.  It doesn't have to be tech-based...and probably shouldn't be, since the revolutionaries would be dirt poor.  This could also mean music made from junk found on the street - something any character could create and participate in.  It could be tied into the gang culture as well - an Arteries chant, perhaps?

3. Multimedia - Although really an early 21st century form, I think Multimedia music presentations (encorporating music as well as stage shows involving computer generated visuals, performance art, etc.) will probably have a lasting effect on the music world.  I could definitely see intricate holo-shows in small clubs on Gold or Green.  On red, this could involve all kinds of audience involvement - I think making the audience chant would be cool, especially if there were a lot on players online there.

4. Genres - This is tough, but let's try to go beyond combining existing genres - what is something new and unheard of?  What genres do we have, and where do they come from - rock, country, jazz, blues, rap, classical, not to mention types of world music - Japanese Gagaku, Indonesian Gamelan, Indian Ragas, etc...many of these have a very long history, and some are relatively recent.  I think one of the biggest forces in music today is globalization - world musics influencing Western music (think the Beatles) and Western music influencing other musical cultures (hip-hop and dance music in some form is almost ubiquitous worldwide now - think Bollywood).  When we think of combining genres, we should also think of these forms of music.  If you have never heard any Gagaku, you should check it out.  It is a form of orchestral music that predates all Western classical music (ca. 700 AD), and is very slow, atmospheric, and somber.  I could totally see it meshing with some real dark western music to be a force in the Dome (Gagothku?)

These are things I think about all the time, so I am sure I will have more to say later.

<shameless_plug>Although not typically cyberpunk, I do compose music that is..shall we say...bizarre?  If you are looking for something new to listen to, it's all available for free download at</shameless_plug>

n8n, if you had a character a while ago (over 2 years) you would not have had access to the 'artistry' skill, which is specifically required for a musician.

Perhaps in the future we will add a specialization feature similar to the weapons specialization. I do not think it would be that difficult to do. We would just need to make a set of instruments and that sort of thing.

Now, if you are wanting to see more content music and culture wise in the dome, you do not have to rely on GMs and Admin to make it for you. You can use the Babble-On script engine to make tv commercials, programs, music videos, ect. for your band/music/what ever.

If you are interested, contact us over xhelp and we will get you access to the Scripting Forum if you do not have it, and then you can write scripts for NLM's Music Holovision channel.

Unfortunately, in my work as a content builder, I do not forse myself working on scripts for the televisions for quite some time. I am in the midst of working on fundimental systems such as combat messaging, weapon balancing, martial arts and basic item creation (food, clothing, weapons, ect.) On top of these items, I am looking at having to work on large scale building projects such as fleshing out corporate towers, building bad-land cities/towns/elements, and various sundry descriptions that pop up. Like Judge heads on pikes.


So, if you are really hot on adding musical content to the game, I encourage you to contribute scripts and concepts in the Scripting forums. I for one welcome any additions anyone has. Good, Bad, Silly or Serious. It is all needed.

Before I get to the meat of my post, I just wanted to say I'm very impressed with this post so far. The ideas presented are (finally, after beating it into people's heads that todays music would NOT be in fashion 85 years later) orinigal and very themely. Great stuff.

My first and only PC was a musician; arguably the most successful AND self destructive musician ever in the game. All of his work was done completely without GM help/intervention: It was all poses. I wrote my songs offline, then turned them into poses which I would cut and paste, line by line, into my client when preforming. This gave me the opertunity to react to the crowd and make changes on the fly.

Later I made my instruments out of cloth, and these got changed to be the generics for the 'real' instruments in the game, as others have after me. They're now available through various avenues of RP for thoes who take the time to seek them out. But lord knows you don't need instruments to make music. Try just singing. Or try just RPing beating out a tattoo on some upside down plastic buckets. Or whatever fits your fancy.

I think it's sad that noone ever goes up to gold to beg, and do the things beggers do: Sing and dance for spare change.

Whatever you do to make music, the RP is the most important aspect of it... not the coded support. I'll argue that the coded support is the LEAST important aspect of it... if your character has artistry skills, that means he's a creative thinker: Try RPing being creative.

And of course, as Iga mentioned, take GREAT advantage the resources that Babble-On provides: If RP is your show, Babble-On is the video camera and microphone that will record it and preserve it for all to see for years to come.


Quote: from Iga on 4:16 pm on Jan. 12, 2005[br]n8n, if you had a character a while ago (over 2 years) you would not have had access to the 'artistry' skill, which is specifically required for a musician.

Sorry, my frame of reference is skewed - by a while ago, I really mean something on the order of 9 months.  Artistry was one of the main skills for this character, but the lack of specialization "flattened" the value of the skill for me.

I think rather than going into instruments and such, a better way to handle specialization for artistry would be things like "music", "visual art", "sculpture", etc.  Putting in instruments like "keyboards", "guitar", etc. would be really limiting, unless we use instrument types like "percussion", "strings", "woodwinds", etc.

(Edited by n8n at 7:25 pm on Jan. 12, 2005)

Except this is a cyberpunk MOO, not an Art MOO. I can understand the desire for more detail, but's 100% unnnecessary. Want to be a guitar musician? Pump into Artistry. Sculptor? Same thing. let the RP handle the details.
Regarding, needing an instrument out of CG to be successfull...

Starting out with stuff fresh out of CG is nice, it can make those initial dilemnas that new characters face alot easier on you BUT is not neccesary in the least. My musician didn't have an instrument and spent a great deal of time trying to acquire one. The people he met in the process allowed him to flesh out alot as a character. I mean its who your are when your down and out that really decides what kind of person you are in my mind. It can make a man a murderer, a thief, a conman, or maybe just a bum. Regardless, Life as a mixer should never be easy.

Also, game mechanics are cool and fun but its all about the RP.

The only thing I'd like to see regarding music in SD is more musicians.

I have this vision of gangers chanting their favorite group/artist over the sic constantly, people killing each other because they said their favorite band sucked used synth-hide dildo. Shows, corporate sponsored, with corporate security and media coverage. Underground halls with kids moshing/raveing/whatever.
Quote: from Lotus on 6:29 pm on Jan. 12, 2005[br]Except this is a cyberpunk MOO, not an Art MOO. I can understand the desire for more detail, but's 100% unnnecessary. Want to be a guitar musician? Pump into Artistry. Sculptor? Same thing. let the RP handle the details.

Lotus, what is more cyberpunk than the glitterboys and girls? Or the rockers? Or the cult hit artists?

It is all about hyperculture, and I think having skills and stats that reflect that is a great idea. It can not be all 'combat' based specialization on things. Why have martial arts? That should all be RPed and posed by the players.

Is it a priority? Probably not. We have things like 'cyberware' to code. But it is something that should be on the horizon, may even be essential for some future systems.

Except this is a cyberpunk MOO, not an Art MOO. I can understand the desire for more detail, but's 100% unnnecessary.

I'm sorry, are you trying to tell me that Jet Black selling out to the man, publically getting betrayed and killed by his supposed alies, putting his girlfriend through a living hell like few have experienced, and finally going KaFoom and completely self-destructing, ALL as a result of the rock-a-billy glitterboy lifestyle wasn't 'Cyberpunk'?

You call all that 'unnecessary'?


I have a long list of music I was planning on scripting out for the Korova for a long time now. But the Korova is nothing like it was intended to be so I am not going to waste my time doing that, but I definitely think that places that should feature regular artists could use some scripted musical performances... It just feels like it would be high maintenance to keep them fresh with new music... Otherwise it'll just get annoying.
Korova or not, music and it's effect on culture has almost no presence in the Dome to speak of currently. Hence, my asking for contributions from the playerbase. I -will- be making efforts in-game to flesh these ideas out and breathe some life into a void that i -personally- see. Whether that be at the Korova, or on a street corner of Red. Simply askin for input on ideas that perhaps -you- all would like to see as well.

I sense a tone of negativity in your response, NotAnathema. Not necessary, is all I'm gonna say about that. I'd be happy to go over your list if you'd like to share any of your ideas. Send me an e-mail if you'd rather not post them here. My address is on my profile, web and game.

Well I am quite upset about the state of the Korova but I can't help it.. It's my baby.

But other than that, it's not negative, only realistic to acknowledge the fact that music scripting is annoying to witness unless it's fresh and new to you. I've been to many performances in SD and I'm always happy to see a new one, but I can't imagine that type of thing doing anything but creating a nuisance at certain locations without a lot of manual upkeep and new creations.

Unless you're talking about just inventing new artists, and having some kind of Music timeline for people to include in their RP then I'm all for it... I just don't want to see something in to place that's going to just get neglected down the road...

On another note, the best way I see to breathe some life into the musical culture of the Dome would be to create a diverse array of new performers (NPCs) and have our shiny new staff members start working on some performances mini-plots/plots around them, creating NLM ads, talk show appearances, SIC Ads, and scripting some performances and having it hit both Topside and the Mix for a diverse catalog..

Leaving the players to latch on to the artists they identify the most with and start working it into their RP, or not.

Specifically, what I'm asking for is -raw- ideas. A band name, an idea for a style of music that would be themely and appropriate, or a short little diddy that could be elaborated upon.

From there, my aim is to personally write custom spoofs, to be used ICly during shows, wherever they may be taking place. Drome, Korova, Red's, Cordoba Mallplex, the corner of Lamb's and Fuller on an over-turned trash can. Whatever presents itself as an opportunity.

My goal is not, I repeat -not-, to churn out some cookie-cutter garbage that spams us all like Holo-ads, sic-ads, tv commercials, etc. I would like to see a great variety of acts. I would love for most of them to be player-driven if not outright players as musicians. Until the player-base reflects that though, this is what I have to work with.

So, with as much work as spoofing one-and-done shows entails, I'd like a bit of a hand with the basic ideas. That's what I'm asking for. Ideas. Plain and simple, or however detailed you'd like them to be.

I'm not happy with the current state of the Korova either, hence I'm attempting to do something about it. That being said, I genuinely welcome and encourage anyone who wants to help with the creative process.

The only way to fix the Korova is to get all the mixers out of it. But that's neither here nor there, heh.
Back once again with a resurrection!

I think a good start to this might be if the musical instruments thread had submissions. Maybe staff would be inclined to add instruments then? Can't have a band without the instruments!
I had an idea for a band years ago when I was working on a media star character. I forget the name of the band, but their big hit single was "What do you do with a drunken spacer?" I was calling the genre spacebilly. I could probably remember some of the lyrics I wrote for it, if anyone is interested in running with it. For that matter, I love writing lyrics so if anyone has an idea they want me to help out with, I'd be more than happy to. My work schedule is finally not completely insane, so I'll have sometime to actually start playing and contributing to the game again.
That does sound interesting, Geks. Hit me up at [email protected] ?
I feel like my next character might be a musician, so I was wondering...

How do I go about getting an instrument? Are there instruments I can purchase IC? Can I use some command to create one from nothing?

I saw something about being able to create simple music players for rp purposes but could not find any details on how to actually go about that.

I would also be interested in knowing if musician characters are plausible to do with in game items. As well as wondering whether much of the earlier talk or creating genre's and bands etc has gone through?
Hi guys,

(@Ruzihm and Lightbox too)

Yes, there are instruments in game. I've seen guitars and violins but also some others which may have been 'ambience' for the show.

Yes, you can make your own band.

There was this one time in [redacted] when there was this big get together for a [redacted] and a bunch of players had a band. IC'ly you'll still hear about some solo artists as well.


I and some other players have cosidered the ambient population and bands and have talked / SIC'd about them, that travel through the city on tours or indie scenes. There are more places than Central and more places with stages or dance floors than KMB, Sing-a-Rong, The Drome. (I RP listening to music from time to time from my own playlist or have a tune in my head because we all know sometimes we get songs stuck in our heads. Damn that Porn Puppets opening song. But this can be used to generate RP with someone you might not have met yet.)

Other bars that have come up on SIC before are 'Up the Hill', 'Patricks', several others. Since your character does things while you're logged out (work, etc.), you can RP about seeing Blah Band at blahdeblah's stage, south / east of Central Red / Gold. There are many more even in Central areas when you read the room's descriptions on the streets.

Music Band name examples:

Tangent done. ">[/


But make some of your own up, especially for some indie bands or a dark poppy NLM celeb. NLM has *lots* of celebs and shows.

And you can go, "Hey, I can do *that*. They don't know what it means to live on the streets." And go sing at the Drome! (Or be a stand up comedian.)

Tangent done.

I accidentally messed up the end of that url code.

Fixed: *cross fingers*

Music Band name examples:

But make some of your own up, especially for some indie bands or a dark poppy NLM celeb. NLM has *lots* of celebs and shows.

And you can go, "Hey, I can do *that*. They don't know what it means to live on the streets." And go sing at the Drome!

. o 0 (We need an edit button.)


Ta for that crafty, helpful stuff there :D And good to see that bands and stuff have been generated over sic and the like