As I keep fumbling multiple phones and dealing with the nightmare of suddenly having to answer one of them I had a simple idea that would be nice QoL improvement and very IC. The addition of small stickers we can stick on stuff, and then call said items by those stickers.
Could be done by some sticker-printing machine (I think there is something like that in already?) that will print out, well, stickers you can then stick on items. For example if you print out "cowboy" sticker and glue it onto progia-7, then it will show as "progia-7 with cowboy sticker" and you can do hold/drop/etc cowboy progia-7 to get right to that one.
I think it's a nice IC way to handle the little issue that comes with item multiples, using progia as it's probably most common item to run into that issue with. This could even be taken further with various materials and quality of stickers, from cheap basic color squares on paper that fades away after few IC weeks, to water-resistant laminated full-blown 3-D designed ones.