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- AdamBlue9000 7m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- Treble 15s
- Kangarat 13m
a Glitch 1h If it's broken, good chance it was me
- Emily 17m I lost myself, in the dark charade.
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boomboxes, radios, MP Lites??

I want boomboxes on Red. Big. Ugly speakers. Giant handles. The kind you wear on your shoulder that pumps terrible jams loudly and annoyingly enough that they are murder worthy. Because this: (hope this works)

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I know this is farfetched and probably way more work than its worth. But it -would- be awesome to have radios with chips for different music to insert into them. With all of the player created music these days it would be nice to see those players' work float around just like paintings and such. Each chip could hold some lyrics and descriptions, like snapshots of songs, just a few lines that spit out into the ambient atmosphere ever few minutes whenever a radio is playing. Radios could be placed in rooms like t.v.'s to provide more ambient entertainment. Players could create chips or DJ live from a station or pirated station. I don't know. Just thinking out loud.

Oh. And since the last one worked. Because this too:

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grrr...busted. One more try, different img:

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Gawd, headphones or boom boxes galore; -please-! Media players even, or something.I I thought I just hadn't found the things like that yet, and felt wrong RP'ing having such, same as skateboards or the like.
Portable speakers for budgeting even! :D
*sigh* Sorry, buskering.
Media players would be a nice addition.
Love this idea!
Content would be a good place for the community to start if you want a player for content.
There's tons of content. I can't mention IC names but i can think of more than just a few characters with songs, albums, lyrics, whatever. Is there a certain context those players need to put this content into, Johnny? Or do you just mean that this is an IC thing to be pursued by those characters first and then the code will follow?