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- Bruhlicious 3m Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
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- AdamBlue9000 17m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
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a Mench 6h Doing a bit of everything.
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Retinal Door B&E
A good place to start?

As it stands, retinal doors have not worked with gouged out eyeballs for years and years. However, no retinal doors to my knowledge protect any player homes. They are primarily the purview of corporations and businesses.

Why not re-enable this functionality with an associated tool and eyeball requirement? I think it's reasonable for a player to expect a layer of protection at home, potentially idling, but by making a place of work less impervious it would certainly give security more to do.


I think there is at least one very prominent and 'elite' place of corporate living that has these types of locks to a certain degree, I haven't gotten the privilege of fully experience it since I believe its for paying SD memberships only.

And I'd love for the eye thing to actually work (anywhere), I've even tried it in the past only to find out it wasn't functional to my disappointment. While I personally fully support this idea, I feel this will get the same general reaction as other B&E threads.

This is one of the things that I was sad to find out wasn't already easily doable mechanically. I'm not sure how hard it would be to integrate, but my thought was that the backend of linking a nondescript eyeball object to particular players and their door authorizations might take some real processing power and/or storage space to make happen. Plus updating existing doors to support the updated mechanic could be labor-intensive.

Of course, I have no idea, but if there were ever an overall pass on security systems and giving players more ability to crack them? I would hope that this might make the cut along with other changes.

Existing goodies like e-notes and locking briefcases could even have less (or more) expensive retinal variants. There's a lot of code-locked doors that would be far more interesting if the solution to opening them was to take a baka's eye out.

This is one of the things that I was sad to find out wasn't already easily doable mechanically. I'm not sure how hard it would be to integrate, but my thought was that the backend of linking a nondescript eyeball object to particular players and their door authorizations might take some real processing power and/or storage space to make happen. Plus updating existing doors to support the updated mechanic could be labor-intensive.

It was implemented a long time ago and was removed. Imagine dying, and then whoever kills you keeps one of your eyes in a cooler for a year, bringing it out only long enough to open a door you're authed on.

I think while this is cool, to maintain them as a good security option all public accessible locks would need to have some way of being overidden.
I'm actually not sure if there's any retinal scanners for apartments like GITM thinks, I'm trying to wrack my brain but I can't think of one.

I'm down for this kind of B&E because I love the idea of more hits on corporations and businesses. It can be done quietly or loudly, it can involve data thefts to outright attacks, it has the ability to create a lot of RP in the moment and aftewards by an entire corporation/organization.

Also palm scanners! Let severed hands have their day!

Oh I forgot to add, so sorry for the second post, this would give more reason for corporations to have in-house security technologists. And for secure techs to get independent work in businesses to do checkups and cycle stuff.
It was implemented a long time ago and was removed. Imagine dying, and then whoever kills you keeps one of your eyes in a cooler for a year, bringing it out only long enough to open a door you're authed on.

I imagine it would be easy enough to have hand/eye deprecate biometric strength even in a cooler. The older the body part - the more difficult the check involved and perhaps impossible for anything older than a month even if refrigerated.

Imagine having your security clearance downgraded temporarily for dying and third-parties being far more interested in spare parts. Rippers and electro_techs working together to create tools for secure_techs to use.

This is an example of things which nobody has tried in years and years (I mean, I was gone for a few but the current global perception seems to be) because nobody has seen it done. Unless there has been a policy announcement I missed on the subject of GM assisted plot support around this mechanic. I don't know the current state of the art any longer but there used to be a pretty specific rubric for a GM to determine whether the attempt would succeed or not.
This would be cool, but perhaps it could degrade with each use? Good amount of uses, but not a free pass forever? Or the idea of it just loosing it's integrity over time if it sits in a cooler. But I think it'd be cool to keep it on ice for use months down the road when they totally forgot.