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Mass Hysteria
We're all gonna die!!!

PC's jumping through hoops just to drag NPC's from there own deaths seems a bit heavy handed and almost meta. It forces GM's to puppet PC's which may not be the most pertinent to what's really going on. So, I propose conditional responses from NPC's who hear gunshot, explosions, are on fire, etc would be awesome. Ideally, I'm thinking some shouting, yelling, SIC messages, and fleeing for most. Other NPC's might focus on removing innocent people from an impacted area.

After a set period of time NPC's impacted by the hysteria code would return to normal. Also, extra bodies to demonstrate the ambient population would be nice.

If different conditions can trigger different scripts along with a @home location and @evacuation location - I think the pbase can setup the rest. Still requires a bit of heavy lifting and is likely to reside on The List (TM) if it's not already there.


Makes sense so that you know, if there's shit happening you, you just don't stand there. NPCs are people too.
I like the idea a lot.
I agree with this. I remember walking into a burning lobby and taking a moment to register the little bit of added text stating that people are on fire and everything is burning. I think the addition of some bright orange or red text explaining that everything is NOT okay would also be helpful.
Also some places have an entrance fee. The comical thing is even rescuers have to pay during a disaster. And if they don't have cash on hand they can't help. That needs to be tweaked as well.

Also some places have an entrance fee. The comical thing is even rescuers have to pay during a disaster. And if they don't have cash on hand they can't help. That needs to be tweaked as well.

Also some places have an entrance fee. The comical thing is even rescuers have to pay during a disaster. And if they don't have cash on hand they can't help. That needs to be tweaked as well.

Also some places have an entrance fee. The comical thing is even rescuers have to pay during a disaster. And if they don't have cash on hand they can't help. That needs to be tweaked as well.

I like this idea, but there are some plausible reasons as to why an NPC might not react right away to immediate danger.

In the case of a fire or explosion, they might be immobilized due to smoke inhilation/falling debris or due to the blast itself. In the case of a shooting or attack, they might be in shock or completely gripped by fear.

This also gives PCs who want to perform heroic deeds the opportunity to do so. Not saying this is a bad idea at all, because it's not, these are just a few things to consider.

Having people who respond and rescue getting through entrance fee places is something you can handle IC. Entrances like that have lists which can be managed and you can talk to a PC or NPC handler and they can decide whether or not they would want to lose the chy for letting those people in free.

Money is money, after all.

To pfh's point, the script wouldn't be limited to one action. Basically, it'd be this with more options...

uses $play_script

as %npc

start "hysteria"

label "hysterics"

random "type" 3

if equals %type 2

start "hysterics_a"

elseif equals %type 1

start "hysterics_b"


start "hysterics"


label "hysteric_a"

force %npc shout We're all gonna die!!!

force %npc .push my way through the crowd, panicking noticeably.

force %npc @temp_place me is "running through the crowd trying to escape."

pause 1 "minute"

force %npc go safespace


label "hysteric_b"

force %npc shout ANOR!

force %npc .duck down, trembling in fear.

force %npc @temp_place me is "desperately trying to hide in the frantic scene."

pause 1 "minute"

force %npc hide


label "hysteric_c"

force %npc .shake my head slowly, reaching into my pocket.

force %npc freehands

force %npc wield pack

force %npc get smoke from pack

force %npc unwield pack

pause 30 "seconds"

.grumble, unable to find something.

force %npc wield lighter

force %npc light smoke with lighter

force %npc unwield lighter

force %npc say This is fine.

pause 30 "seconds"

force %npc say I am okay with the way events are unfolding.


@ReeferMadness I am fine with the events unfolding around me. :D Where did my skin go...?