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Tiered drug kits
Cook me some hobo grade vee

The science jobs in red kinda reminded me about this.

Instead of paying almost 200k or whatever for a drug lab, we should tier that shit off.

Keep the expensive labs as a requirement for making primo drugs.

Have equipment for each grade of drugs.

For example, the bottom tier, a 2-liter Ebola cola bottle and some Sudafed and random other shit to make some hobo grade v-202, total cost to assemble, 10k. Churns our trash v-202 but it’s v-202 right?

I think this will give chemists at all levels work, and project that testing equipment will also see a rise in sales. Thoughts?

Loving it! Bring those dirty cheap ass drugs to the market.
Yes. Absolutely. This sounds fucking amazing and I would definitely be more likely to play a chemist in the future.
+1 to this, making chemicals seems way out your average persons reach. (maybe it's cheap for average not rich enough to know)
This is along the lines of what I've been thinking as well.

A way for mixers to start getting dirty, without having to drop a big wad up front.

Start slow, maybe only make THC-2 to start. Add a component and now you can make Marcy, etc.

Make the next component proportionally more expensive. Maybe Grizzly's Ebola cola bottle setup is 5k. Need another 10k to be able to make the next drug up. 15-20k for the next one up from there? Just throwing out numbers for examples.

I think that would generate a lot more RP, including competition, grudges, and move money around a bit.

Could probably do something similar with other archetypes that have a big bill needed to get into the game. Low quality cyber tools for rippers (and +1 to rippers needed to pull chrome from corpses), maybe a some cheap single purpose tools/gear for electronics/secure_tech/rigger types .. I'm sure there are more archtypes that with a little bit of coded love could really boost RP.

I don't know how drug making works ic, but with growing competition would be very cool as right now slinging dope is pretty risk-free - there is no turf for it, there is no fighting over client, etc. The only difference seems to be who is online and what price and almost no one wants to take the trash grades, as pharma+ is pretty affordable for a lot of drugs.
I agree with Oldguy too, riggers might be a little out there for what I understand, but the others for sure. Doc installed your cybereye with a pair of steak knives and some dental floss with a paperclip needle? The cyber works, but you're infected as fuck.
i wish drugs were illegal or only legal if VS or whoever made them but that might be asking too much.

Drugs are a very big cornerstone in crime and in Sindome it’s just meh.

Yeah drugs aren't really...eeeh. I get it. But I think it's too ingrained in the game by now.
Well you can change things engrained into the game, it happens right under your nose more often then you probably realize, but that was just me making an idle remark about drugs in Sindome.

Also I just noticed the cyberware talk. Could you make a separate thread on that? Great idea and I agree I just don’t want it distracting from this.

One thing I forgot to suggest in the OP, another idea for this too could be to drop the prices drastically on current equipment and require supplies like how kitchenettes require groceries. I don’t think that would be as cool though.

Well you can change things engrained into the game, it happens right under your nose more often then you probably realize, but that was just me making an idle remark about drugs in Sindome.

Also I just noticed the cyberware talk. Could you make a separate thread on that? Great idea and I agree I just don’t want it distracting from this.

One thing I forgot to suggest in the OP, another idea for this too could be to drop the prices drastically on current equipment and require supplies like how kitchenettes require groceries. I don’t think that would be as cool though.

Well you can change things engrained into the game, it happens right under your nose more often then you probably realize, but that was just me making an idle remark about drugs in Sindome.

Also I just noticed the cyberware talk. Could you make a separate thread on that? Great idea and I agree I just don’t want it distracting from this.

One thing I forgot to suggest in the OP, another idea for this too could be to drop the prices drastically on current equipment and require supplies like how kitchenettes require groceries. I don’t think that would be as cool though.

Well you can change things engrained into the game, it happens right under your nose more often then you probably realize, but that was just me making an idle remark about drugs in Sindome.

Also I just noticed the cyberware talk. Could you make a separate thread on that? Great idea and I agree I just don’t want it distracting from this.

One thing I forgot to suggest in the OP, another idea for this too could be to drop the prices drastically on current equipment and require supplies like how kitchenettes require groceries. I don’t think that would be as cool though.


Dear god why did that post so many times?
Only ever click the post button once. If it lags wait. Don't click it again until you're sure.
+1, this is a great idea.
Love this idea + tiered drug machines could potentially add in rp for needing electricians to mintian/settup them and securetech people to protect drug making locations, could add in alot of jobs in the mixer struggling scientist field which is being debaited atm
I love this idea. As it stands now, and I don't want to say this in like a dismissive way, but I think the drug system isn't working amazingly well. Drugs may have been OP before but they're a bit nerfed, now, with a couple of exceptions. Despite being a bit nerfed, though, their prices have actually gone up (to encourage people to buy from PCs--I get that) but supply is not always easy to come by, because it seems like making drugs is a high-risk operation. The equipment is extremely expensive, prone to blowing up and it's hard to get people invested in something they're going to be addicted to that doesn't have a ton of mechanical benefit (except in some cases).

To me, the drawbacks of drugs outweigh some of the cool things, like lanavision, which I love. I think something like this to get more people involved in production and the culture is a good first step.

Crook, the drug system has been changed more times then I can remember. It should be like, a culture of its own. It’s hard to really facilitate that with the way things are to get into the drug business.

In modern organized crime, drugs are a cornerstone.

In Sindome, with the combat aspects of most drugs, it should also be, but I think as we both know most major criminals understand the coded and financial pain in the ass around it and don’t even bother with all the aspects around it.

Cheap drugs should flow as freely as booze.

"Let me get some Vee and a lager."

Cheap drugs should be there to hold off the withdrawal symptoms.

"Bath tub Lana? Sure, whatever. Just make my muscles stop cramping!"

Yessir. Like a hobo cooking meth in the woods to feed his need for meth and maybe make $10
Maybe a solution is to have variants of the current drugs that can be 'hoboed' as it were. You want higher grade, you gotta use the good equipment. You want something to just get you over the shakes? Empty bottles, medical tubing and antifreeze all duct-taped and rubber banded together. Maybe make it be something along the lines of how you can create items with other items already in game. Instead of having a lab/press for the cheap shit, with the right skill, you can gather some items and POOF (with the right know-how), insta-drug lab for a one or two time use.
Yeah...that’s uh..what I was getting at..:D
I'm surprised this isn't a thing yet.

> cook v-202 with ebola-cola kit

You made garbage v-202! You hope nobody will notice the difference!

> scrut v-202

This v-202 looks like it was made by someone desperate to make any chy at all.

You suspect its longevity is significantly reduced.

You suspect its toxicity is significantly increased.

You suspect its potency is marginally reduced.

You suspect its withdrawal time is greatly increased.

You suspect its withdrawal severity is unfathomably increased.

Sorry're MULTIPLE posts made me miss your point :P

But, seriously. I give it a +1.

I wanna make shake and bake, and also potentially poison my batch of Marcy with soap for my baka ass roommate who keeps getting in my stash. +1
Of course all the above revealed only if you have the right skills/stats.

Maybe add some tiered description flavor to each quality when you scrut? Here's a random example --

Zero knowledge: (No message)

Barely passing knowledge: You notice glowing green flecks.

Somewhat passing knowledge: You notice glowing green flecks, many of which seem out of the ordinary.

Below curve knowledge: You notice unusual green flecks, indicating its potency has been modified.

Above curve knowledge: You notice unusual green flecks, indicating its potency has been increased.

Skilled+ knowledge: You notice unusual green flecks, indicating its potency has been significantly increased.

You notice a bunch of weird brown shit in your batch, give it to gangs to make them your guinea pig
Your batch makes you win the fight but three seconds later you’re blowing up the dromes bathroom