First and for most, we as players have had it hammered into our skulls that sic is chaos with millions of people on it at all times. Problem is that on an OOC level we have no way of knowing when this suddenly stops, which is why a lot of times we find ourselves sitting around without realizing signal has dropped. I feel a prompt is warranted when we lose signal because logically if our chars would know there is suddenly no noise, then so should we as players.
That leads into the tech that already exists for this. If you are running through the mix and type who to bring up a query and run to another room without signal before the query is pulled guess what you see? 'Signal Lost'. So logically that should happen -any time- signal is lost. While this isn't a big deal, it just seems like lost logic on something that -should- be.
So onward to the "Sic is Chaos." Really it's not. Rendering a single color with low player base there is nothing chaotic about it. We can pretend it is sure, but again it comes down to a chip that uses your mind to communicate. So with that logic with language should come personality. Which would include colors and possible different fonts.
That's chaos. Millions of people set out on the sic network as -individuals- all different and a mess. Maybe even make it a premium thing you pay for at the hall. Especially since it -has- to be possible due to things that have happened in the past that has shown us to be possible. ;)
That's my two cents.
Happy Easter