Please add
There are also tactical element such as stalking someone from the shadows on Red Sector. Waiting for SIC to drop so you can gut them. If you're paranoid about losing signal - move topside or check for signal constantly.
The problem with that is that SIC is millions of voices in your head. When the chattering stops or starts, you really should notice.
Whether or not you get signal depends on a any number of factors including jammers, amps, distance, level, underground, etc. Gotta open the box to see if the cat is dead.
It's a staple of the horror genre for example, checking the phone, desperate to use it and there's no signal/busy tone.
How would a horror movie be if the moment there was no phone signal, the phone went off on the scared protagonist? It would kill the tension and the reveal, which adds more tension.
SIC should be handled how it is - and how my above example is.
You walk down the street or into a room.
Suddenly a bunch of people you pissed off are staring right at you.
You check your SIC....
It usually works fine though if enough people are on or not, as you do notice a clean cut to silence. /shrug
Don't forget cyberpunk is technology based off looking at 80s Japan, and imagining the future. Realistically, if technology progresses the same as now, by 2099, the Progias would probably be seen as relics. But it hasn't in Sindome, because cyberpunk is high technology, low living. The SIC is high technology, but it's prone to crapping out in Red. Judging by all the descs, it would be hard to notice the SIC signal has gone out in the busy streets - unless your character subconsciously thinks "Hey, where'd SIC go?" or "What happened to BOB, I asked him a question..." and checks themselves.
Let me add my few cents to the example then: Personally, I've *never* been in the situation described in the example. I once was in a similar situation where I was like 'Oh shit. Better call for help.' and there was no SIC connection. Annoying. I ended up spamming the "cm *insert cry for help*" command seemingly two times a second until it would work. It wasn't a fun experience, not 'awesome' as suggested in the example at all. It was just frustrating. A
Sure. You saying so pretty much means it's a rule. I however was not able to find any @rule (just skimmed them again) that would apply to that situation - especially having your character repeatedly try to leave a SIC message.
I admit the '2 times a second' was exaggerated but not unlikely for a communication device that's directly linked to your head.
How fast can one think *help!*
The whole point, in my opinion, with SD is that it's roleplay mirrors real-life in your thought process, and that your character should react how someone would react today. If you got cornered by thugs in real-life, you have to deal with that situation. If you try to call 911 and your phone is not working - then you have to make an IC decision. Do you flee? Do you talk them down? Do you try to fight? Do you shout for help, hoping someone hears?
In those situations, your commands are the equivalent of the same processes your brain goes through. When you try to message someone and there is no signal - that feedback you get from the game is the same feedback those same neutrons would give to the part of your brain trying to call for help. This goes in with the fact that you shouldn't be spamming commands, as your character's brain has already computed the information.
Ergo, your character, like real-life have to make a choice. If you get your ass handed to you because you were too busy trying to SIC for help, then that's still IC RP. It's not a flaw with the mechanics. People die everyday choosing to frantically call for help on their phone, disregarding their surroundings. Some survive by attacking their attacker. Some survive by dealing with the imminent threat briefly, before trying to call for help again (aka the classic, run through the house from serial killer, then hide round the corner, trying the phone again.)
I can perfectly understand where you're coming from, and it irritates me too, especially when you're waiting for an important SIC message. But that's how life is and that is what SD is trying to convey in this mechanic.
At least that's my two cents.
Stacking commands in the lines of disarm/flee/pickpocket etc, is not
allowed on the MOO. In reality you could only attempt these actions once
every few seconds. Players should not and will not be permitted to proceed
with this type of actions. Repetitive and unnecessary stacking causes lag,
and no one wants that.
This would only apply if you would actually succeed in communicating.
5.A. Abusing by stacking commands
Stacking doesn't mean what you think it does. Another word would queuing.
Commands 'stack' when you input another command before your character finished the last one. Like walking. You character will only do the next thing once he finished the previous one. Also this specifically refers to combat situation where you are getting an unfair advantage. On top of that 'pickpocket', 'flee', 'disarm' all have been "nerfed" by now to prevent that kind of abuse.
The SIC (how it seems to me) is a constant stream, a constant flow of network. Because Red Sector is in very bad condition, other things outside of the network itself are causing the drops in coverage, these are variables the system was not designed for (IMO).
As far as noticing the silence... yea, I don't agree with that either. 65 million people in the city, they don't all rely only on SIC for communication. This means there is a constant murmer of the city itself, that could almost blend with the SIC network. The SIC signal going out would only be -that- noticeable in the unlikey event you are in a quiet place (Which is very rare in Red Sector.)