The first thing would be, this would take the requisitions terminal and move it from something commonly used, into something used for purely rare items and importing goods not typically found in Withmore. This would allow GM's to focus less on vetting requisitions terminal requests and more on running plots.
But wait, what would the humble package man in requisitions room do at that point?
Two words, budget management.
In explanation, there's a concept from real life called discretionary business funds. I would implement a system like this with each department having an overhead budget that is then split between everyone underneath that department, with requisitions being able to maneuver and influence it largely department to department or slightly individual to individual, and in general give the obvious opportunity for corruption and foul play inherent in a system like this.
The idea is simple, your corporation trusts you to take it's money, with discretion, and use it for your job. You would gradiate the amount from department to department based on number of players, performance, seniority of staff, and the influence of requisitions.
The exact numbers aren't important here, and would be a lever for the GM's to pick at and play with. The importance here is that this addresses 3 main concerns.
1. Corporate players struggling for money, which is unthemely.
2. Corporate Requisitions agents complaining they have nothing to do on a regular basis.
3. Creates more room and time for GM's to oversee plot, rather than researching if a requisitions or reimbursement order is justified.
Under this system your pay would become a personal reward for working for the company and your 'Funny money' essentially. And your requisitions budget/discretionary funds would be your money to spend on things related to work in some way.