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NPC UMC fighters.
Lets spice up the UMC.

I think it would be a really cool idea to add some NPC's to the roaster. Not existing ones, but new ones, So that fight cards card be larger and so people that fight often aren't always facing the same people.
I like this.
I can agree with this. Would help prevent smallworlding!
Yes, please.
While I disagree that this should be utilized for UMC since that is very player character driven, I think this would still make for great television.

As in, once a week, the game spawns two random mementos in a room somewhere, tell them to beat the snot out of each other, and record it for television viewing. These mementos can even have odds to bet on them with NPCs dependent on how much each boxer is told to @holdback to simulate different skill levels and or just making things more random.

Spaghetti at a wall.

NPCs have taken part in UMC in the past and I think it's a cool idea to do more of. Having some NPCs that are known for certain roles (like a famous fighter) and occasionally pop up around the Mix or Dome on large packed with relevant gear and cash would be really neat.

Once, just once, I was to see Ace McCloud throwing back drinks at a topside bar! ACE! SIGN MY PISTOL BATA!!!