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Holdback for Skills

The title says it all.

There should be an equivalent of holdback for skills.

I agree with this, but it should be relatively inaccurate, or else be reliant on some sort of roll of intelligence and (related stat here)s for accuracy.

You should be able to nerf your skills to fit certain persona's and the like... Nothing worse than being disguised as Chester McNerd who's never fought in their life, and then suddenly, when targeted by Mixa McBlastman, it's revealed that you're really Chesta McSmash who dodges barrages of bullets on a daily basis. But it shouldn't be something that's easily done. Maybe a certain level of mastery involved in the skill might help, but I think a simple thing like just a basic int and related stat check would be a good idea to enforce people playing to their stats.

@holdback does nerf skills, Hek,

I'm not negging the idea, but can you give examples of what it would do differently than simply holding back the way we already have?

@holdback explicitly only nerfs stats. Check the help on it.

I wanted my character to fail a skill check.

I did a full 60% hold back and they still passed the check.

In my mind, someone who is competent enough to do something successfully, should be able to intentionally fail at doing what they otherwise could do.

In its current form, holdback does not facilitate that.

Yeah, I kinda agree with this. You should be able to make yourself fail a skill check, or at least roll real low on it.
I don't think it should just be limited to failing a skill check though this is a great example of such a feature's use. Other things I want to see possible and would be possible with some kind of skill holdback:

A tailor intentionally making clothes that are of low value.

A handyman/mechanic installing something so that most anyone can remove it.

A character hiding something so that most anyone can find it.

A performer tanking a performance.

A candyman wanting to make a low quality batch of drugs.

An expert knifer wanting to miss the dartboard or do poorly without anyone who looks at them seeing their condition drop.

Yes, @holdback as it is can help here. But as your skills/stats increase your '@holdback 60' can fail to do what you want it to do more and more often. And I get that it's hard for someone with a high stat to hold back too much. But I feel skills are different. A great mechanic can easily choose fail or do poorly at a job. They don't have a minimum level of performance that's just impossible for them to dip under.