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- Treble 29s
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- zxq 27m
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a Mench 1h Doing a bit of everything.
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Radio Chatter
Hear the voices and static of the masses

Due to various things in my IRL life that got me thinking about it, I think that having random ambient radio chatter would be interesting.

Could be something along the lines of a prescripted ambient conversation that is in a language, could be something like the SIC attack script where you get something like 'Quick, any TERRA out there, theres something going down on x', could even be something like the chatter system in bars but more vague and less trustworthy.

I love radios and what they have brought, but given their openness (purposefully) I think throwing in some random chatter on occasion would be nice both for ambience and to add to their downsides.


I absolutely love the idea of chatter items getting pushed out through radios.