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Trading Delays for CorpShare Sales
Baking stats and skills into CorpShare stock sales

The idea here is to give PCs that have both high INT and Trading some small advantage when doing CorpShare trading. I am sure there are many ways to do this but this is my first stab at it. The IC idea s that the higher your INT and Trading are, the easier it is for you to secure a fast sale on your shares while the worse they are the more your sales are delayed.

Those who are better suited to this can make sales instantly or near instantly (talking about C level and up in INT and Trading). If your INT or Trading skill is lower than C level, your sales are entered into the term but don't actually happen until after a period of time passes. The further you are from C level the worse the delay is.

This means that while everyone can see all the details on ticker and/or can get inside scoops and advance warnings via other means, the higher your INT and Trading the faster you can react to the data. While this would disadvantage those with lower INT or Trading, it is not enough to mean that higher stat/skill always winds.

I would also suggest that the lower of your INT or Trading is considered for determining how much delay your sales will suffer and that the actual delay is a random value within a range that is more and more favorable the higher your INT and Trading is.

With something like this in place, Bob and Sue might both see that NK stock (which they both heavily invested in) is tanking at the same time but Bob (who has higher INT and Trading) will manage to sell off his stocks than Sue can and thus secure greater profit or avoid greater loss.

Also, I only suggested delayed sales because applying it to both would double the impact a change like this would have (possible to an undesirable degree). Also, I suspect that buying shares would be easier than selling (but I am not stock market expert IRL).

I like this (or something like it) because it makes Trading relevant topside.
I think the more things that make non-combat skills relevant the better.
I think this is a pretty cool idea. What kind of delays would people be into?

Also... hmm, what if the price changes? Which is very well might.

Yep! This idea only makes sense if there IS a chance the price will change during the wait period!

So you've validated it, Slither, thanks!

What beandip said. My original idea was that the price of the stock at the end of the delay is what's used for the sale. It is about those with high INT and Trading having greater control and precision.

Most of the players here are smart people. They can look at the numbers and (in the future) collect the data and work out solid strategies. But not all PCs are so blessed and it's not always easy to RP stupid by intentionally disadvantaging your PC - even when you really want to.

So the idea here to make is so PCs with high INT and Trading could precisely react to the game world and thus apply that player knowldge with great control and the lower your PCs INT and Trading is the less precision you can apply and the more you have to deal with that lack of control and greater price drift (for good or ill).

Regarding delay periods, that is a hard one for a player to suggest as we don't know the inner workings of the system. I would probably start by determining an update interval. A period of time that would, in most cases, allow at least one update to stock prices.

I would then have C level and above apply a random delay between 0 and that update interval. So with great INT and Trading, you will often have your sells go through instantly or with minimal drift. And the further from C level the score is (lower) the greater the lower and upper bounds of that range would grow to allow more time for price drift.

I guess my concern would be frustration when peoples trades fail to go through, because the price has changed and they can no longer afford the the trade. Not sure there is a way to combat that potentially happening...
I think the possibility of not being able to afford the trade is a feature, not a drawback. That's a thing that can happen in real trading and it will make "the pain real." Then you have to start a new trade you can afford.

That said, I haven't played with the CorpShare market so I don't really know how it works.


Trade approved in 0 - 50 hours. Less time based on Trading+INT score. Funds placed on hold. This could be the manner of which the character is buying/selling. Totally unresearched name ideas below.

"You set up the trade to run via..."

"...null model dynamics." (24 - 50 hours.)

"...adjusted model dynamics." (12 - 23 hours.)

" model dynamics." (4 - 11 hours)

" model dynamics." (1 - 3 hours)

"...instant model dynamics." (Instant trade.)

Optional: If the funds aren't available at time of purchase, do the following:

1) "Null model." Cancel purchase.

2) "Adjusted model." Reduce the amount of shares purchased by 10.

3) "Smart model." Reduce the amount purchase by just enough to let the purchase go through.

4) "Racing model." Allow the purchase as desired, allowing accounts to dip into negatives as long as they had the amount required before the trade went through.

5) "Instant model." How it is now.

I guess my concern would be frustration when peoples trades fail to go through, because the price has changed and they can no longer afford the the trade. Not sure there is a way to combat that potentially happening...

That is part of why I suggested only applying this to sales. Not buys. :)

I guess my concern would be frustration when peoples trades fail to go through, because the price has changed and they can no longer afford the the trade. Not sure there is a way to combat that potentially happening...

Not a problem if the price is denominated in credits, not shares.

The TRADEW, I meant. When you do a trade, you would specify how many credits worth to trade rather than a number of shares.
Doing market order delays is pretty extreme when compared to actual markets in real life. I have a few suggestions that could utilize Trade and Int skill checks that are more inspired by market trading.

Market Slippage: When placing market orders, you don't actually get the price that the ticker states (It has to do with the bid and ask prices in the market order books, aka level 2 trading). To simulate this in SinDome, simply increase the price to enter based on a failed skill roll, which will increase the price that the position is actually entered, which is higher than the market value of the stock. This is inverted when selling to close a position.

Commission: Although the current trend is for brokers like Robinhood to provide zero commision for trades, this isn't always the case and we are in Withmore City. Have a set Chyen cost per market order with successful skill checks being more broker savy and getting a % discount to the commission rate.

Market Indicators: More experienced traders don't trade on intuition, they analyze market data to a science. Have different market indicators become available at different levels of trading skill to give them more information about market direction that other characters do not, without committing insider trading. This can also provide players, who have more capital, to hire market analyst characters. This one may be the most complex to code.

Daily and Weekly trade limits: In the USA, there is actually a limit on how much you can trade per week unless your wealthy enough to hold a minimum of $25,000 in a broker account. That limit is 1 per day, and 5 per rolling week. To fit with the regulatory nature of Withmore, characters can be subjected to licenses that are obtained through trade skill checks to be authorized for trading more frequently.

I haven't indulged in Sindome's market system yet. But I'll have more ideas once I do.

As for orders failing, due to the price slipping too high before the order is filled, it is very bad practice for a trader to invest 100% of their trade account's equity into a trade. Typically professional traders only invest 2%-10% of their net equity per trade to properly manage risk.

Those are pretty great ideas! Better than what we came up with.
I'm actually pretty happy with what I came up with. :P