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Remove Keypads from exit descriptions
I had my screenreader on, it was confusing

Came across a keypad in an exit description, had never seen these before and the random spewing of text confused me till I realized what it was reading out.

To be clear the keypad looked like this.


Apparently the keypad was so bad it got censored from the forum. That was the top of it.
Yeah there are a couple of these in the Mix I know of and it just seems like a lot of unnecessary ascii. If you're vision-impaired, it's just an ascii art representation of a nine key numpad.
For me it was a case of grabbing my glasses, and going from 20:100 to 20:40 and being like "OH, a fucking ascii keypad."
I can see how the ascii keypads could be an issue for screenreaders. I'm not personally visually impaired (much, I do wear glasses, though) but I can see how they could be absolutely annoying for those among our players who are.

If I remember right, there were attempts to cut down on the ascii used within the game, namely SICADs for the most part, because they were causing issues for screenreaders when people are being bombarded with them constantly.

Unfortunately it's still an issue with screen readers, SIC ads. When you have nothing but a row of = signs, mine reads out every single one of them.

Same with a few that are nothing but 00000000 as their... borders? I donno. It's just extremely irritating. There are other examples of ASCI I've noticed, mainly the... one game at Grunen's which name currently escapes me.

Stategery, Go, and Chess could all be issues as well, yeah. It seems like something that could be brought up at next town hall; especially since the number of screenreader users seems to be climbing lately.

There's a few places where they could encounter issues of having everything read out, which would probably slowly drive users insane.

Looking at a Progia 11 is also a little more painful than I think it needs to be. Though my reader doesn't read every single symbol, it kinda delays me from hearing what I need to because it's reading there are _'s and *'s as a border.Unfortunately it's still an issue with screen readers, SIC ads. When you have nothing but a row of = signs, mine reads out every single one of them.

Same with a few that are nothing but 00000000 as their... borders? I donno. It's just extremely irritating. There are other examples of ASCI I've noticed, mainly the... one game at Grunen's which name currently escapes me.

Strategery, Go, and Chess all need ASCII to function. You should be able to mute commonly appearing SICAD borders and stuff. The keypad exit only came up because there's no earthly reason it should need ASCII art.