As it is, it feels like the WJF cannot respond to banished individuals effectively except by targeting those around them. And thus they cannot truly incentivize the pursuit of banished individuals, even banished criminals by mixers like they can with every other type of criminal.
As well, the badlands being what they are, it's never that difficult to get back to the city and this is fine, the problem is them then safely contacting allies and compatriots to get you back in fully. For players outside of the process of banishment, that is the say non-WJF, non-banished individuals, and their allies, the average joe player this leads to a feeling that the WJF is completely incompetent, and cannot stop single criminals from breaching the gates of the city to cause problems again and again. Without having much recourse. Especially if these banished individuals are repeat terrorists and the like. And it creates a kind of laziness in banished individuals where they lack the paranoia that someone who is supposed to be on the run when within city limits should have.
I have three suggestions for this.
1: Allow WJF to issue special "Green List Bounties" which are bounties on specific banished individuals that, importantly, renew until negotiated away with the hall in some fashion. Or simply renew until the banished person stops coming back, or a period of time expires from the bounty being turned in and problems being caused by said individual, or a set number of bounties is turned in etc there's plenty of ways to do this the point is to make it flexible. Being a Green Lister would be a "next step up" from being Banished, and the bounty rate would be flexible, and highly dictated by the messes caused in Higher security areas.
2. Authorize TERRA to pursue any banished individual as a target of priority, and investigate attachments, and provide reward structures in TERRA for new information about banished people and their allies that can be confirmed.(This is for theme, mostly, but it would maybe incentivize players who play in TERRA style roles to stick with it.)
3. Beyond that, authorize WJF to banish more mid end and top end people and specifically more repeat criminals on the mid and top end, to create an economy amongst these people. And a sort of camaraderie potentially between them. As well as potentially traitors in their midst. And so on. But along with authorizing more bounties, authorize sufficiently high ranked judges, to provide passage into the city for banished individuals to negotiate their way out of banishment(This should be a high end plot reward.)
Finally, a final extra suggestion, the point of this is not to create a banishment system that is impossible to work within rather the opposite. But to give reward structures to the banished, to bring back the top score element, and to give them more RP and consequences than just getting tossed out of the gates for the umpteenth time only to come to the gates, and beg their contacts for a smuggled entry. Which likely becomes stale after a while for both sides of the Banished-WJF equation.