Whenever a vehicle is involved in something in someway. It tends to be the target of scrutiny, even when there is very little to go off of.
Inevitably, someone, gets a hair up their ass and decides to walk the mix, looking for "That one Blue Cricket" or whatever. Denying the fact that there are hundreds of vehicles on every corner.
Something that might help convey the idea, and this might be easy, it might be hard. It came to me as I was chatting with xhelp about something.
If a vehicle is in the room, sitting idley, passing through what have you, have the room desc in the same section of the room, a cricket, and (NUMBER) others are parked here. A Desert Rat buggy and (NUMBER) more are parked her.
This number could be derived from crowd stat, or it could be whole cloth generated with the look command, it could be something tracked on the back end, or as simulationist as is needed. But I believe that it would convey the ambient vehicle population better than the current system.
It could also be used to enforce the wealth divide, with Green and Blue having comparitively fewer cars to Red and Gold.
Another additional step might be to make the vehicles hidden until you type a command in the room or from within a vehicle. Kind of a, "Dude where's my car" Command. But that command would expose the cars that are there, but could also present a general "how many other cars are here" style display.
An example of that output might be.
A cricket is parked here, amongst thousands of others. CHUG'S DRIVE IN is utterly filled with vehicles, there's barely any space to maneuver.
What do you all think? Because I have noticed this as a problem, and not just on my part. Any other, simpler solutions?