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Public access channel
PBS for the dome

There should be a public access channel on tv where literally anyone can host a show about anything. Far right wing humans first talk show? Why not?

This could be pretty entertaining and a great avenue for people to be media stars (or subject to sic roasts)

I'd love a Red central public access channel.
Could always be a pirate station, doesn't have to be official NLM.
Pirate broadcasts please.
I believe this is coded and exists but has not been used.
NLM could allow it to exist because it’s adspace revenue. Ambient commercials and all that. I would be more inclined to say “why would they allow pirated broadcasts?”
IE not send a hit team/bounty you/ have you fined into the next decade.

Sorry, on mobile.

Ok I am sitting down now.

First, while I still have this idea fresh on the brain, this isn't really an idea for pirated broadcast TV. I think that should be a separate idea and I really don't want to discuss it in the same thread because I feel it derails the idea. This is an idea for NLM to have more of a mix-based office where the game's Alex Joneses and such can walk into the public access channel, do their bit, and fuck off. They would get paid NOTHING for it. Meanwhile, you can justify this by the fact that these types of channels ad costs are probably lower then the network programming, meaning Kro's, or a mom and pop business, in theory can buy adspace in between shit broadcasting. NLM is squeezing the mix for every chyen it can, right?

Second, It gives someone who might be new, not able for whatever reason to make the needed connections, or simply want to stay in the fringe entertainment scene to really shine or bomb. This gives the big network, being NLM, the ability to also talent scout, or a few other things I won't get into but would be obvious to security minded people.

That's really about all there is too it. It would be as simple as adding a channel to the network, re-describing an un-used building, and sticking a camera in there. Hell, it doesn't even have to record. Who want's to re-watch some guy wearing pants on his head go on about the end being near anyways? Pirating is cool if you wanna be all captain hackerman, but again, separate concept.

That is all possible with the existing code for NLM producer's with orbs. Someone in that job would just need to do that. Work it IC, mano.

What rigger has the metal to handle these?

You can't always "Work it IC".
I only vote no because media places topside can't even keep filled enough positions sometimes. It would be great to get more people thattaway who are talented and can help create content!
Being able to have pirate stations has been something that has crossed my mind as well. I think having ways to communicate around NLM would be an interesting addition that would help in the RP of those opposed to the corporations. That doesn't just include the mix either. Certain other entities against the media giant might be inclined to support this.
Expanding on Grizzly's idea specifically, could do a re-purposed room and put an entrance fee on it to fall in line with how a major corporation would want to charge for their air time. Could then rework the cab eject code to work here to fire off every five to ten minutes asking for more pay for extra allotted time to use the public access channel and if you don't pay you're 'escorted' (aka booted) out of the property.
Expanding on Grizzly's idea specifically, could do a re-purposed room and put an entrance fee on it to fall in line with how a major corporation would want to charge for their air time. Could then rework the cab eject code to work here to fire off every five to ten minutes asking for more pay for extra allotted time to use the public access channel and if you don't pay you're 'escorted' (aka booted) out of the property

Not a bad idea at all.

I only vote no because media places topside can't even keep filled enough positions sometimes. It would be great to get more people thattaway who are talented and can help create content!

While in an ideal world it would be nice to have the main avenue full-staff, that will probably never happen. This is also only marginally aimed at progressing to that venue and I don't really think it effects it directly.

If it happens, should be a way for people not small-world their way into taking this easier avenue into stardom, too. There should be a setback to this somehow that brings home the point that if you want the real stuff, you have to work for it.
I personally like pirate broadcasting, could bring some good content to hackers which are a bit starved of it ATM
I cannot like this idea enough.

Not to derail the conversation, but I also agree that pirate broadcasts should be a thing.

Just to be clear, the supposed lack of people in topside media positions is not due to a lack of interest. It is due to characters either not putting in the necessary effort to even be considered, not yet grasping the theme well enough that we want them creating content or us having been unable to establish a relationship of trust with candidates yet (this is necessary as someone in such a position has a lot of power).

There are a lot of people who would love to be in a topside media position (there are more than just stars) but very few that make it happen. And to be honest, I am personally not really worried about filling these roles unless we feel we have found someone that fits well.

I like the idea. A rundown studio that you can rent in ten minute chunks and boots you out automatically when your time expires. Anytime it's not rented the channel plays commercials.

Maybe have the room make a skill/stat check based on Art and Charisma every minute and display a viewership metric on a sign. Maybe have time of day impact these metrics. Maybe have prices adjust based on how many people are logged in and time of day.

As far as people on these public access channels outdoing topside media stars goes, I'm not sure it's a problem.

First up, you have conflict. If a public access performer get's too big NLM will either want to hire them or make continuing hard. This could be some interesting RP between topside and mix. I even made a list of cool things topside could do to mess with a popular public access star that refused to move to NLM. But I removed it because it's so much more fun to come up with these things on your own!

Also, remember the class divide. If any corpie was caught watching or liking a public access show, they should be ostracized, mocked and laughed at. Maybe even make it so the public access channel is not viewable topside.

And in the end, yes, there could be some mano or mona who is loved in the mix. An underground favorite. And I don't think that's a bad thing and might even be more fitting than mixers being fans of arrogant, out of touch corporate stars.

My main concern would be that characters/players being very unthemely or even abusive and spreading this across the entire city. I know that this can be dealt with ICly but by then something we don't really want in the game has already been spread via a potentially large platform.

My main concern would be that characters/players being very unthemely or even abusive and spreading this across the entire city. I know that this can be dealt with ICly but by then something we don't really want in the game has already been spread via a potentially large platform.

Valid concern, but that has just as much potential to happen on SIC or the grid or home printed mediai too. You just gotta deal with that stuff as it comes. I have faith that it’s a minority and not the majority.

I just want to hear some podcasts more often, be it in the Mix or topside.
I like Grey0's ideas for this a lot, especially the rating thing.
pirate broadcasting rigs exist and have been used ICly.

Yeah but this isn’t about that. Separate concept.
I don't think its a healthy idea to replace a skill requiring element for something the corporation doesn't want to share: control of the message. If someone has something they want to broadcast, they need to work for it.
Hmmm, alright, but I still think it’s a different concept altogether. The moment someone starts ranting and raving about something that isn’t in line with corporate control (IE urges to riot, go against the corporate regime, etc which is what I think should be the point of pirated broadcasts) then they would be immediately identified and have corpsec visitors and or who summons. It’s not really an idea with that kind of stuff in mind.
I agree with johnny that it shouldn't be some booth you can just hop in to do a broadcast. Rather than scrapping it though, maybe there could be a way to make a very difficult but possible for mixers channel, to give a small but interesting for rp source of anti-corpie propagand. Maybe like a gang controls it and you need get really deep and connected with the gang to use it. At the moment the only way for that to really happen, that I know of, is if a corpie decides to covertly go pro mixer for some agenda. IDK just seems like a fun thing.
I have a slightly different idea that's in line with this, that might open up the possibility of people submitting more content but allows corporations to keep control.

Open submission series. Meaning, NLM would take submissions for certain series aired.

For example: an "anthology" series comprised of people who submitted scripts, that were processed and cleaned up by editors to be presented on air. People get paid for their work, but aren't offered positions with NLM yet until they prove they can really hang in there and write hits again and again. The stories are kept short so varies submissions can be shown. One editor or producer will curate the series to keep it running.

Same for music, if someone wants a proving ground that way. Have a segmented show where short songs are aired by emerging musicians and hosted by a VJ or something. This can give way to one-hit wonders and those who identify rivals in the emerging music biz. Struggling for NLM to notice you and your rival talent has more videos well received than you do? Get a solo on their ass. Now it's even more themely!

What do y'all think of this idea?

There is already a role in the game that would allow a PC to buy scripts off whoever, clean them up and get them aired. It's just a matter of someone wanting the job, going through the IC effort needed to be get the job and deciding to take that approach. It also has to be someone the staff can trust and someone who doesn't mind having a job that involves a -lot- of actual work.

On the musician side, I'm not really seeing the advantage of this over a budding musician going the KMB route. Plus, should someone in the right position want to feature someone in a video or let them release a video of their own, they just need to convince the right people ICly. It is possible.

Or am I misunderstanding your suggestions?

You are misunderstanding it but that’s okay.
The entire idea, that is. 🤔
I totally get that this thread has run off the tracks and that the original idea of a simple public access channel has been berried and malformed. All kinds of alternatives have been thrown in from pirate broadcasts to the recent buy-a-script and Video DJ posts.

For clarity, I would ask that new ideas or drastic variations be brought up in another thread. Please be sure to search for existing threads though as I am pretty sure that pirate broadcasts has one or two already. No need to try and discus three or four different ideas in one thread.

I had skipped over Supermarkets response on accident so I guess you do get it 😎
I'm sorry, Mobius! I didn't mean to annoy you.
I think this would be cool but also unthemely. No one wants Mixers to have a vehicle for their message. It doesn't make sense. While it would be cool and add to the game content wise, and while it could be like the minors for TV personalities and up and comers, I still don't think the corps would allow it.

Print and the grid and live shows are a good domain for mixers looking for an audience.

And as has been said, pirate TV does exist and if that interests you, pursue it ICly.