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a Mench 13s Doing a bit of everything.
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Payment plan for vehicles/New job idea.
Ever want to shot a repoman?

I thought of something really awesome, I've noticed that vehicle stores don't have monthly or weekly payment plan choices, why not make that possible and if people don't pay on time. Boom, their vehicles get repossessed via PC tow truck drivers.

This will drive RP and even more chaos. Suddenly going bankrupt and you find out that an TSX repoman is coming? What will you do? Shoot? Hire a mixer and have them beaten to death or surrender your vehicle.

I imagine repomen will be like taxi cab drivers, they serve three sectors and the payment depends on the mission. Need to repo a gangster? Good pay but /EXTREMELY/ dangerous, you'll need to hire a couple of bodyguards or try doing it yourself if you're cheap, Paid to repo a lawabiding citizen? Decent pay, etc etc.

This will grant an interactive job and a bit of feud.

Sounds like a good business model for a PC with lots of flash.
No, this should be a goal for your character. Why they should be scraping and fighting and backstabbing and plotting. Simply giving people vehicles removes all that for... Repomen? Immediate gratification? This is dumb. Especially since players are quick to decide fuck-it-all and just perm themselves. Get a loan from someone ICly. Actually work for it.
People should be stealing cars, not renting them out.
This is a shitload of extra work for staff, plus would cause an immediately noticeable amount of bloat. Store-bought vehicles are supposed to be character goals, whether short-term (bikes and low-end autos) or long-term (high end autos and all aeros).
Speaking as a GM, but not on behalf of the game here, my opinion would be a no.

I see very little benefit here for the game, just a whole heck of alot of admin overhead required. Extra code where we don't exactly have a large abundance of available workforce that couldn't be better utilised. Vehicles could already be considered quite cheap - as Trickyhottrev mentioned it's something a player could get into doing if they were so inclined, I just don't see it working for the game as a coded system/job.

This is quite possible already without any new code.

Rich Corpie A lends Slightly Less Rich Corpie B some money to buy that Holden. Corpie B never follow's Corpie's A payment plan and eventually defaults on that loan. Corpie A, wanting to see some return hires Mixer Low Life Loan Shark Shylock to break Corpie B's legs and steal back that Holden. Tada.

Completely on board with Kroack ^^.

Seeing as this server is completely roleplay driven, it would be very very easy for a situation to pan out when you can get a loan, from a corpie or a mixer depending on where you belong. And figuring out a collateral plan if the loan defaults. We already have a collections agent in the game, and by keeping everything IC instead of making automated script to deal with it, you encourage story building and interaction if a loan is desired for a purchase.