In particular I am thinking of smaller vehicles (motorcycles, small cars) and Industrial Freight Containers as two examples, but maybe there are other things that would fit into those categories such as installable crane arms that take up SCUs from cargo but allow unique functions, drone charging hubs, etc etc.
An article on cybernetics and modules put me down a rabbit hole that made me think about that and the potential uses and desire for larger vehicles that maybe will never be able to be fully filled, but could utilize their superior amount of SCUs for other unique uses such as the above.
Obvious necessity for say things like being authorized on vehicles being loaded in order to drive them into the cargo vehicle, go without question so this doesn't become a 'Oops I got a big truck and now I can steal all your cars without issue' but the logistics of say a cargo heist of a large truck bringing the newest MazdaSubaru Custom Car (TM) from another city, through Red, up to Blue intrigues me.
As always, would love feedback and additions.