Another option would be for there to be a 'short' eat mRc that didn't have that involved emit, you know? But right now it's like --
Pavane snorts mRc off alkaline's buttcheeks.
Pavane pushes a mRc capsule out of its bubble pack and pulls it apart under her nose, snorting its contents quickly.
And that's a little weird. It would be fine if it was:
Pavane snorts mRc off alkaline's buttcheeks.
Pavane snorts a mRc capsule.
Basically, that works. As long as a drug is consumed, just handwave the messaging.
This is where poses come in and where the community understands that if you make a killer pose, and then 'break open a capsule of marcy before snorting the contents up your nose' that they'll ignore the latter, vanilla part.