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Emphasizing the divide
Bring more hate between Mixers and Corpies

One of the big themes of the game, from what I understand, is a very classist and elitist society in which Mixers and Corpies despise each other. Bitterly. What I think I've been seeing a lot of recently, is players wanting to keep all of their contacts options open and available, so you don't see much of this attitude in players. In some instances, players even discourage other players from this attitude.

One example I've had is: Player one works in a junior position at the major corporation. Player two is their boss. Player one spouts something along the lines of "Dirty Mixer trash." Later, player two call player one into their office and reprimands them for insulting Mixers.

I'd like to see the divide become much more real and tangible. Have more ambient SIC chatter, insulting one side or the other. Perhaps see the WJF cracking down on Mixer activity topside, and on the other side of the coin, Mixers being much more violent towards Corpies who brave the Mix.

I do this at every turn, and make sure the other GMs do to. So I guess you must be talking to other players.

And ya, a lot of other players are fluffy, you know who you are. Some people like to think it makes them unique to fit 'outside of the mold of the theme' but to be honest, it just encourages other players to disregard it. Not a good thing.

I see plenty of Mixer and Corpie hate going on, and I think any more would just entirely kill the game for me.

You are supposed to be able to potentially work hard enough to rise out of the Mix and into Corporate life, and if the WJF is beating you senseless because you came up from Red, what is even the point of working towards that?

Companies actively forbid their employees from going down into Red, and honestly that seems a perfect point to just stay at to me. People should be able to mingle how they please, and we've no idea what may be going on in a character's head.

That corpie could very well be planning to frame their Mixer friend, or their Mixer friend is planning to rob them. That sort of RP would just completely die if we cracked down this hard on the divide. Not to mention that one of the newbie job areas, WWW, is on Gold. What are we supposed to do, beat them for trying to make money because they came up a floor?

@Cerberus Absolutely, I think the GM's have done a wonderful job of this. This post was aimed at the player community, not any GM's.
I'm with you, I'm all for more corpie/mixer hate. Regarding your example though, I get why the boss did that. Mixers are customers, they buy shit, generate profit. You don't want to be so open as to say "filthy Mixer trash." I feel that corpies should spew their hate in more subtle ways. Sidelong glances, scoffing, gossiping etc.

Personally, whenever my Mixer is up topside, I spoof a lot of shit happening around me. People avoiding to walk on the same sidewalk, others pointing and whispering, some going as far as mentioning 'Judge.' By doing that, I can ensure that my Mixer can'tt linger in uptown for too long without drawing too much attention.

Mixers don't stand out on Gold, Mixers are expected to desire to go to Gold and spend their money, and bank and clone. It's when Mixers spend a lot of time on Green where they start to stand out like a sore thumb.

Which is why I am going to be putting in checkpoints on the mag levs on Green so Mixers have to stand in line for 60 seconds getting hassled by THE MAN before they can step foot into Suburban Corpie territory, while watching Corpies with the appropriate company employment keys walking through uninterrupted.

Should really hammer home that Mixers are unwelcome above Gold.

"Which is why I am going to be putting in checkpoints on the mag levs on Green so Mixers have to stand in line for 60 seconds getting hassled by THE MAN before they can step foot into Suburban Corpie territory, while watching Corpies with the appropriate company employment keys walking through uninterrupted."

Eyyyyyyy. I like this. Can't wait to see it.

Ooh, is there gonna be, like, a cleanliness requirement at the checkpoint, too? Like, if you're not clean enough, you can't leave the mag station? Because I'm sure corpies really don't want someone covered in filth walking among them.