Get rid of SHI as a coded mechanic for IC "employment".
Why does SHI exist? The most common answer I hear is, "To show players that flash is more easily and better generated through RP and PC interactions." (I can also see it, maybe, as a place for the newest of newbies to congregate... but don't we want them moving around to bars and other places interacting with more seasoned players?)
Is this how SHI is functioning though? To me at least, it seems like SHI is not necessary. Very often new players go to SHI and/or: get frustrated, ask how are they supposed to afford gear, quit, grind. And other players explain the 'purpose' of SHI, both IC and OOC, and the cycle continues.
If we want new players to RP, move around, play the game of Sindome... doesn't SHI seem antithetical to all of this? And maybe it is a rite of passage or a lesson to be learned for new players, or an example of how not to progress. But shouldn't we show new players how to play the game rather than how not to? I think we should consider doing away with SHI and make crates/errands the sole non-salary jobs out there. Remove the option of a grind mechanic.
Something like that. Curious to hear the thoughts of everyone else.