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Cheaper Cyber
Grades of Cyberware

It would be cool though if there was useful(non-cosmetic) cyberware that didn't cost 20k+.

But I also understand some of it might be well worth the cost with the stats boost and abilities.

So why not have an actual grade of shit Cyberware that's hardly better than being human? Would give ripper docs more to play with and have more cyber I think in the game.

Maybe legit clinic bought is the high grade, and there is a mid grade for lower quality clinics and a shit grade for rippers?

So -- on the one hand, I think your sense about cost and pricing is related to being a relatively new player. A lot of cyberware is not terribly expensive for characters even who are 'low-tier' (whatever that means) -- after a couple months in the Dome most people can earn reasonable flash.

However, I totally agree that there should be shittier, cheaper cyberware, and ESPECIALLY that cyberlimbs should be cheaper. I feel like cyberlimbs should be priced competitively with cloning, like around 5 kay each -- but I think having all kinds of cyberware that's inexpensive but less useful would be good.

For example:

cheap cybereyes with only one chip slot.

cheap cyberears with the same.

Cheaper cyber having increased PDS loads would also be a great balancing mechanism for cheaper cyber, since PDS is great.

With the right connections, the cost of cyberware can be significantly reduced. There's absolutely low-end docs / rippers who are getting this stuff for cheap.

Go out there and find it!

Getting cyberware cheaper from a connection doesn't achieve the game feel of having back alley ripperdoc chrome though.
Not getting too deep into details ... if you buy aftermarket chrome and have it installed by someone who isn't really a professional, the feel is going to be deeply back-alley.
I honestly just think that cybernetic prosthetics need to cost less, and smaller divisions can cost more. For example, an entire arm is cheap, but high on PDS. Only a hand can be expensive, or even corporate exclusive, but lower on PDS. Updating your clone and jumping off the nearest tall building is a more economic fix to losing limbs that is often taken, and I honestly feel like that kinda, no, REALLY sucks for RP.
I agree with reducing prosthetic prices, but that's a separate issue from cheaper elective eyes/ears/softs.
I agree. The PDS cost already makes jumping seem like the best course if you lose a limb. The cost cost makes it totally unsustainable.

I think if cyberlimbs were cheaper (probably in both PDS and cost) we'd see more cool RP around maiming, not just as a punishment but as people's own RP.

You see people RP scars all the time -- I think there would be a non-trivial number of people who would get cyberlimbs for RP purposes after a particularly brutal injury if they were competitive in price with a clone and had relatively low PDS, and that would be kind of awesome.

I agree. The PDS cost already makes jumping seem like the best course if you lose a limb. The cost cost makes it totally unsustainable.

I think if cyberlimbs were cheaper (probably in both PDS and cost) we'd see more cool RP around maiming, not just as a punishment but as people's own RP.

You see people RP scars all the time -- I think there would be a non-trivial number of people who would get cyberlimbs for RP purposes after a particularly brutal injury if they were competitive in price with a clone and had relatively low PDS, and that would be kind of awesome.

Absolutely agreed on the PDS load of cyberlimbs, and this is a ripe area for tweaking both PDS load and price, circling back to OP's topic. Also this is a very discussed topic, always remember to try and search up existing threads before starting a new one when possible.

I will say though, no responsible RP'er should be jumping/boothing/etc. over limb loss, regardless of the prohibitive, various costs of cyberlimbs are current. Self Preservation and Vatting Trauma (to whatever extent you believe your character experiences it) should always be respected. Which isn't to say losing a limb (especially multiple) doesn't or wouldn't drive a character, genuinely, to suicide, but casual 'eh, guess I'll booth, a cyberarm is pricey' is lame RP. Lean into the suck!

There are already cyberwares that don't cost 20k+, just see the listings at any clinic.

The idea of cheaper cyberware is not new and I am pretty sure there is thread in this section somewhere with a in-depth conversation about that. Where they suggested making them give you negatives to your stats and a larger PDS cost.

As for the actual cybernetic limbs, the price and PDS makes a lot of sense. Think about it, think about the other chrome in the game, a full arm or leg is bigger and clunkier than pretty much anything else out there. That's why its expensive, that's why it has a big PDS cost. (They can literally cost you a leg or an arm, pun intended)

IMO this doesn't need a tweak in that respect, maybe adding some mechanical features would make players think that this is a more worthwhile investment.

Jumping off a building because you got maimed is poor form, gamey and lacks RP. You don't want to struggle? This whole game is about struggle or it should be anyways.

I've seen a few people dealt with maiming in extraordinary creative ways, but I feel the majority of players don't want to feel 'diminished' or 'hindered' permanently.

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Cybernetics revamp. Ideas here please.

Different Grades of Chrome