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Dropping things
The next costly thing to being dipped

Phones, iPads, iPods, headphones. What do these all have in common?

If you drop them... they get scratched, cracked, or break.

Lets bring that to Sindome!

Drop a Progia? There's a random chance of it getting cracked, or scratched. You can see how badly beat up it is by looking at it. Drop it enough times, and it stops working.

At which point you can do one of two things. You can buy a new one, or with the addition or alteration of a repair skill, you can get it fixed by someone.

Quickterms, lightterms, and other electronics would work the same way.

This would mean if you type drop phone, you would actually *drop* it, not just set it down on the ground. The item would also be damaged if you are disarmed. This would apply to most electronics.


I like it.
Then should there be a new command for 'set something down on the ground?'
Maybe just throwing it? I use drop command when placing stuff on shit in the room desc, would be a bit awkward.
Progia 7s should have the chance of chipping the ground instead of the other way around, they're basically Nokia phones of Sindome.
Yea, I really would want an option to set something gently as separate thing, but then - why would you drop stuff? Maybe instead of a separate command make it behave like drinks - when they get replaced in your hand, there is a chance to spill it. Can be the same with phones, this way you can safely stash your phone first, and then pick something up, or risk dropping it.
If you wanted to set something down, to do it without it getting damaged, you'd use the put on command. Ie put phone on counter.
Wouldn't this cause a lot of new coding needed for things like closets?

Dropping should remain the same.

Now launching your Progia into your closet... that I can understand this being implemented.

Also it's important to know that Progia's from my understanding are more like Nokia 3210 style tech than a modern smartphone.

Just came up with something else to. If you're knocked unconscious and you have something in your inventory, the IC explanation is it's in your pocket. But you're knocked out. There might be the chance you fall on something and break it.If you wanted to set something down, to do it without it getting damaged, you'd use the put on command. Ie put phone on counter.
Ugh, no, I don't think I could stand more item commands, manipulation, and micromanagement already.
Now I'm not saying at some point we wouldn't look into adding this, however I don't see significant value to making this change to the game to be perfectly honest and potentially significant MOOwide downsides that we would need to account for and consider.

I appreciate the idea though.

Things should break because of using them in ways that are unusual, IE a cel phone in the sewers or an overclocked 'term, not because of basic inventory management.

Yes it's good to give technically-oriented characters more to do, but you should always consider the fact that at any given time there are ten bartenders, five EMTs, and eight thousand combat characters scratching their heads and asking where the heck all the auto mechanics and electricians are.

Yes it's good to give technically-oriented characters more to do, but you should always consider the fact that at any given time there are ten bartenders, five EMTs, and eight thousand combat characters scratching their heads and asking where the heck all the auto mechanics and electricians are.
