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- Treble 29s
- Fogchild1 3s
- baewulf 1s
- Terrible_the_duck 20s
- QueenZombean 3m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- zxq 27m
- BigBiscuit 19s
a Mench 1h Doing a bit of everything.
- Hivemind 10m
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We need them

We have cars, bikes, planes, spaceships, mechs, and god knows what else. I want zeppelins. Zeppelins, and Nazis to go with them. In fact, I want an event in which Withmore is invaded by Nazi zeppelins. Which would be OSSUM! But, lacking that, I think there should be blimps that players can fly and steal and blow up with rocket launchers. Because blimps are cool.


Pilotable ad blimps!

In the words of the only Captain worthy of the title, Make it so!

Or not, I'm not the boss of you.

But as an entry-level aero enterprise for fresh-faced pilots wishing to learn the ropes of air travel, piloting an ad blimp seems like a reasonable job.

It's true: blimps are fairly slow, so it would be relatively easy to get the hang of flying them, and then you could move on to faster things later. Plus, I'm sure blimps fuck up every now and then. Imagine the chaos if a blimp crashed somewhere on Gold. So much fun.
Everyday, The Hindenburg. Damn newbie pilots practicing again.
Blimps make me think of steampunk. Which Withmore definitely isn't.

Now, give me one of John Percival Hackworth's chevalines from Stephenson's The Diamond Age, now we're talking.

There's room to imagine the existing ad-blimps as being very different from IRL/steampunk blimps, no?
They don't seem cyberpunk, until you think of them riddled with ads and blaring out more ads over loudspeakers.
Adblimps don't need pilots, is what I'm thinking.

If the idea is to do something cool to an adblimp, we already have them. If someone REALLY wants to RP shooting one down, leave detailed @notes about your caper for the GMs.

If the idea is to code a vehicle, I don't see it happening. We already have aircars which just aren't used. Adblimps would be autopiloted, not manned, and, blimps as a vehicle is just not ... I just don't see it, in Withmore.

Alright, push ad-blimps to the side for now. What about, for lack of a better term, air yachts? I think air tours with blimps would be much cooler than tours with aircars, because in a blimp, you can walk around, get drinks, have more than one or two people in the balloon. Heck, you could even sell trips to San Mara if you build the zeppelin right. Get a view of the Badlands on the way. I'm just throwing ideas out there.
There are... <IC information>
Already an IC possibility...sort of. But, there's -something- quite similar.
the Ad Blimp from Bladerunner as a model:

I could foresee ad blimps that periodically pass elevated maintenance stations that permit workmen (or others) to board the vessel and do work on it while it continues floating around its advertising flight path. Imagine having a pad buried in the bowels of one of these. ;)
Imagine the things you could do to other parts of the geography FROM one of those platforms, if you had access.