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- Treble 29s
- Fogchild1 3s
- baewulf 1s
- Terrible_the_duck 20s
- QueenZombean 3m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- zxq 27m
- BigBiscuit 19s
a Mench 1h Doing a bit of everything.
- Hivemind 10m
And 26 more hiding and/or disguised
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Grid "mementos".
Millions of people are using it.

What if we had some Grid activity from NPCs, like we have on SIC?

For example, the 'recent activity' part of the Grid. It's easy for players to small world, even though there are millions of people using the Grid. Or NPC posts or something.

Would love this, and could be a fun way to introduce things for plots early that are then used much later in time. Also IC ad gridpages for funsies?