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Paper dispensers in cubes.

In the lobby, for guests only of course. Maybe a limit of like 3 per day per guest, plus a cost? or something.

I've asked icly where to get paper to write letters, seen a couple of other people ask where to find paper. No luck, or solid explanatiojn (so dar) as to why it;s so inaccessable When I was playing in 2019 there was at least one place where there was blank letter writing paper aplenty, So, if we cant have that back, I think the cube dispenser, or something similar, would ve aces.

Paper is easily accessible currently.
Letters are semi-deliberately rare and there's ways to get around them.
Im aware of some of the... technological options, but Im talkin straight letter writing paper. Ill keep inquiring, ive just been in several situations where having access to a letter would've been crucial so it felt like a fairly soild quality of life suggestion.

To further justify my post; it just feels like such a 'cube' thing to have pay-paper, and where more does a letter come sliding under the door than a cube.

Anyways tjat's it for my rationalizions and whatnot. Ill keep looking and asking around ICLY.

It would be cool to be able to 'print' a blank page from an ePrint and have it function like a 'letter'

Doing that would probably require some repricing of the ePrints and / or letters to reflect the change in dynmaic.

They're not even rare, honestly, they're just not where the people looking for them look. E-prints are way rarer due to the supply system and people not destroying empty ones but selling them off, just screwing with the supply logic.

Though it's worth mentioning that there's a little bit of inconsistency in terms of supply of such things when you have cameras that can print infinite photos but e-prints come with limited sheets.

The lack of physical paper feels very cyberpunk to me, since the future is supposed to be paperless and all that (though irl we use more paper now). Though when you look at the amount of garbage everywhere in red it doesn't really make sense that so many of the location-flavor-people can find a scrap of cardboard to write on, yet PCs can't make a note on a piece of garbage or find a single pen in the dome.

I think something similar to the cigarettes and lighter system would be good though. Some kind of not too expensive (but shitty) notebook with maybe 10 pages tops you can buy and a pen with as few uses as a disposable lighter. Maybe some kind of fading mechanic much like spray paint seems to have. Mechanical limits like that could prevent someone from making flyers by just copy-pasting a block of text to avoid needing a printer.

I would, if I could, second what goblinfemme sez. that sounds very appropriate, and I didnt even considder the potential for bypassing printing whilst having access to multiple letters. Thanks.
@PCow: "They're not even rare, honestly, they're just not where the people looking for them look. E-prints are way rarer due to the supply system and people not destroying empty ones but selling them off, just screwing with the supply logic."

This is not true. There is 1 empty e-print in the game, out of 162 in the game.