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- Freshmeat_Guest 55m [Welcome to Sindome]
- Lena 1m Yippee Ki-Yay
- Komira 2s
- adrognik 11s
- Sivartas 1m
a Kard 1h
- zxq 32m
- Baphomei 40s
- Baguette 10m waow
- Bruhlicious 5h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- Emily 12m Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 52m Doing a bit of everything.
And 25 more hiding and/or disguised


That's it. A non-gendered/androgynous option. That would be cool.
Forum search.
So, six months ago there were plans to make it possible........

Go read through

No, not at all. The long and short is we have descriptors like 'tomboy' and 'femboy' in game but you will always appear masculine or feminine.


this topic

I've not been here before.

There's only 2 genders. If your character is a male who looks female, use femboy, and if your character is a female who looks male, use tomboy. If you want to change genders, there's IC solutions available.
There's only 2 genders. If your character is a male who looks female, use femboy, and if your character is a female who looks male, use tomboy. If you want to change genders, there's IC solutions available.
And if your character doesn't really look like one or the other?
can we not with literally any of this

the conversation has nowhere to go but down. it is what it is. pick a side and RP your androgyny however you want. get crazy genital mods. get one titty and one non titty. but for god's sake leave the dead horse alone.

I have to agree. This is too deep of a subject, so just choose one - and then do whatever.
A few questions...


If I had wanted to make a character that "doesn't really look like one or the other", my initial thought would be to:

Pick a gender of male or female. Pict the appropriate shortdesc (femboy if male or tomboy if female) then mention in my character's description that their features were rather neutral, not particularly masculine or feminine.

My only concern is that I might cross a line in telling other characters how they see my character if I said something like "It is difficult to pin down their gender." Is something like this going too far as in deciding fo others how they interpret my character's features?


Also, I've never considered tomboys (for example) to be girls that plain old looked like boys. In my experiences they might simply be less interested in feminine trappings but still display the physical traits of being female.

I guess I'm just wondering if I should be having my character automatically assume that a tomboy is a man unless give reason not to when my natural impulse would is to instead assume they were female unless their description suggested otherwise. Is there a 'right answer' as far as SD is concerned?

sounds like something your character would address in an IC fashion via RP