>rescue newb
- Roll versus (Dodge? PCP? AGI / QCK? Weapon skill? Some combo therein?)
- If passed you swap out your target in combat for yourself, aka become the front line and/or disengage the victim. (Jump in front of a shotgun blast and take a bullet for that media star Corpsec action krak krak krak!)
Unless I've totally missed it somewhere I think the only way to save someone being attacked is to either hope they can flee, hope you murder the assailant faster than they murder your charge or grapple your charge, thus using them like a human shield for maybe a round or two and trying to run off.
Allows people in professions like bodyguard / hired muscle / protection services / park guides / escorts / tourist guides / security / desert explorer sherpas, etc. a command to actually attempt a "save" on their charge.
Also lets characters have an ability to intervene on a fight, saving their leaders or bosses and such for head pets and cred where applicable.
Also maybe helps keep shooty stabby want to be tough guy newbs alive an extra week while they get used to combat. (If they go out and ICly trick/con/hire/charm someone into helping them out first of course)