Over the years we have refactored and rebalanced many a thing. One thing that hasn't changed is the dirt cheap price of the maglev @ 45c. That's... really cheap. You probably realize this. It's so cheap that anyone with any means of income probably doesn't even notice. One problem with it being so cheap is that it makes it difficult to justify taking a taxi, even a cheap player run taxi. We want to make it a liiiitle bit easier for taxi's to justify their prices.
Thus, mag-levs are now 150c.
We will monitor the situation and make sure it's balanced with crate running payments so that you aren't losing money or anything like that.
We welcome feedback here. Also, just for the record, I wanted to make them 300c but compromised at 150c. Actually, I wanted to make it cost more depending on what station you got on-- but we figured that might make RP a bit harder.
So-- yes, this is a change that effects just about everyone, but hopefully it also serves to generate some RP for those of you that operate or hope to operate a business where you drive people around!