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- mercuri 2m
- Wirret 26s
- Sivartas 10m I make the Grinch look happy.
- RedProtokoll 2s
- Fire 34m
a Mench 41s Doing a bit of everything.
- zxq 46m
- F9DFCQ 5s
- NightHollow 3m
- Napoleon 23m
- Bruhlicious 7h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
And 27 more hiding and/or disguised
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Playing a Street Thug

A portrait of a Street Thug

“ I think you NEED
an ATTITUDE adjustment. ”

Decidedly cheap muscle, the Street Thug is a low-class criminal who does what they do cause they can. Often lacking education and having a strong disdain for those who think they're better than them, the Street Thug isn't a terribly nice person. Not that they really care how anyone else feels anyway.
Important Skills
melee, dodge
Useful Skills
brawling, short blade
Related Stats
str, end, agl, pcp

Of course, the roles you can play are just suggestions. Sindome is a level-less and class-less roleplaying game, so you are free to define your character's role all on your own. We look forward to your ideas!