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- Melonly 4s Melonly takes a few tokes from the endless joint.
a Mench 5m Doing a bit of everything.
- Jos 59m
- baewulf 4s
- Hivemind 7m
- PsycoticCone 10m
And 19 more hiding and/or disguised
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Playing a Medic

A portrait of a Medic

“ I THOUGHT you said
he was DEAD? ”

A Medic is a medical technician skilled in the procedures and protocol involving the saving of human lives from emergency trauma. They resuscitate those who've just died, stem the flow of blood and fix the more serious wounds. Commonly associated with ground or aerial emergency medical transport, the Medic is comfortable on the go.
Important Skills
medical, driving
Useful Skills
forensics, chemical
Related Stats
int, pcp

Of course, the roles you can play are just suggestions. Sindome is a level-less and class-less roleplaying game, so you are free to define your character's role all on your own. We look forward to your ideas!