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- Treble 29s
- Fogchild1 3s
- baewulf 1s
- Terrible_the_duck 20s
- QueenZombean 3m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- zxq 27m
- BigBiscuit 19s
a Mench 1h Doing a bit of everything.
- Hivemind 10m
And 26 more hiding and/or disguised
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Ripper Doc

A portrait of a Ripper Doc

“ The doctor WILL see
YOU now. ”


A portrait of a Medic

“ I THOUGHT you said
he was DEAD? ”

Street Samurai

A portrait of a Street Samurai

“ Your troubles END thanks
to my BLADE. ”

Gear Head

A portrait of a Gear Head

“ Its not MY fault
YOU can't drive. ”

Media Star

A portrait of a Media Star

“ The UNIVERSE revolves all
around ME. ”


A portrait of a Enforcer

“ This CITY never sleeps
so neither does JUSTICE. ”


A portrait of a Fixer

“ I know a GUY
who KNOWS a guy. ”

Street Thug

A portrait of a Street Thug

“ I think you NEED
an ATTITUDE adjustment. ”

Lord of War

A portrait of a Lord of War

“ Of course it SHOULD
work. TAP. RACK. BANG. ”


A portrait of a Candyman

“ The FIRST one is
always FREE. ”

Cyber Jockey

A portrait of a Cyber Jockey

“ Operators INBOUND any second
TIME to GO! ”

Tech Guru

A portrait of a Tech Guru

put it back TOGETHER! ”

Street Urchin

A portrait of a Street Urchin

“ Were YOU going to
EAT that? ”

Roles, worth playing.

Ripper Doc

A Ripper Doc is a medical doctor skilled in the art and science of implanting and extracting biomechanical devices from humans. The Ripper Doc may have been unable to pay for the rest of their schooling, or something horrible may have gone wrong. In any case, they are no longer legally licensed. Since a Ripper Doc isn't legal, they don't report operations to the authorities like the more corporate Cybernetics Surgeon needs to.
Medical Services Manager, BioTechnology Manager, Bio-Engineer, General Cyberneticist, Underground Doctor, Ambulance Technician
Important Skills
medical, bio tech
Useful Skills
forensics, chemical
Related Stats
int, agl, pcp


A Medic is a medical technician skilled in the procedures and protocol involving the saving of human lives from emergency trauma. They resuscitate those who've just died, stem the flow of blood and fix the more serious wounds. Commonly associated with ground or aerial emergency medical transport, the Medic is comfortable on the go.
Medical Services Manager, Paramedic, Emergency Medical Technician, Clone Savior, Supply & Logistics Associate, WJF Medic, General Physician, General Nurse, General Pathologist, General Psychiatrist, EMT, Private Care Taker, Forensics Expert
Important Skills
medical, driving
Useful Skills
forensics, chemical
Related Stats
int, pcp

Street Samurai

A specialist when it comes to real-world combat, the Street Samurai is generally well-armed and steps into combat confident they most likely have the advantage. Typically a loner, the Street Samurai likes to strike fast and first and ask questions later. Some are sneaky, some are brash, all think they're bad-asses. The term Street Samurai comes from those that focus on blades, but its common to see Gunslingers blaze a trail of bloody glory with bullets too.
Operative, Bouncer, Security Operations Specialist, Joeboy, Razor Girl, Bodyguard, Bounty Hunter
Important Skills
one weapon skill, dodge
Useful Skills
one weapon skill, stealth
Related Stats
agl, pcp, end

Gear Head

There is nothing the Gear Head can't fix. A Gear Head was taking things apart and putting them back together since childhood. Often found under the hood of a car or inside an aerodyne's vector pod, the Gear Head always smells like engine grease or jet fuel.
Maintenance Manager, Operations Architect, Taxi Driver, Aerocab Pilot, Support Driver, Auto Taxi Mechanic, Small Craft Technician, Mechanic, Wheelman, Car Thief
Important Skills
auto or aero tech, driving or piloting
Useful Skills
secure tech, rigging
Related Stats
int, pcp

Media Star

A consummate attention whore, the Media Star is a professional at working audiences of any size. Always charismatic, there's something about the Media Star that the public just can't resist. The Media Star's words, be they printed or heard carry a power to sway opinion via truth or fiction. Wealth and influence are often easy for this character to come by.
Art Director, Fashion Designer, Producer, TV Personality, Holo Designer, Journalist, Editor, Immigration Aid, Club Manager, Archivist, Talent Manager, Musician, Debutante, Press Liason, Street Reporter
Important Skills
Useful Skills
Related Stats
chr, pcp


Upholding what's right and protecting the weak is the vanguard of the Enforcer. Never afraid to confront the bad guys, the Enforcer leads the charge. Commonly stubborn, the Enforcer recognizes the fine line between right and wrong and is resistant to crossing it. Whether taking justice into their own hands or merely doing the man's dirty work, the Enforcer takes their responsibilities seriously.
Security Manager, Inspector, Operative, Citizen Patrol Sentinel, Bouncer, Security Guard, Observation Officer, CorpSec Agent, Prison Guard, Deputy Warden, Security Operations Specialist, Supply & Logistics Associate, Cryo Judge, Patrol Guard, Psych Ward Guard, Transit Guard, Street Judge, Private Eye, Bounty Hunter, Vigilante
Important Skills
pistol, dodge
Useful Skills
driving, forensics
Related Stats
agl, end, pcp


The go-to-guy for all your specialty merchandise, the Fixer is a professional at getting their hands on just about anything. A broker who's measured by the quality and number of their connections, the Fixer strives to network with every useful source they can. Because of their focus on their connections and ability to make good deals, the Fixer is typically forced to hire bodyguards.
Bartender, Requisitions Specialist, Acquisition Specialist, Supply & Logistics Associate, Public Relations Officer, Massage Therapist, Mixologist, WJF Public Relations Clerk Officer, Fence, Smuggler, Drug Dealer
Important Skills
Useful Skills
stealth, disguise
Related Stats
chr, int

Street Thug

Decidedly cheap muscle, the Street Thug is a low-class criminal who does what they do cause they can. Often lacking education and having a strong disdain for those who think they're better than them, the Street Thug isn't a terribly nice person. Not that they really care how anyone else feels anyway.
Citizen Patrol Sentinel, TERRA Agent, Bouncer, Security Guard, Security Operations Specialist, Patrol Guard, Psych Ward Guard, Transit Guard, Gang Member, Pickpocket
Important Skills
melee, dodge
Useful Skills
brawling, short blade
Related Stats
str, end

Lord of War

A modern-day weapons smith, the Lord of War is a professional at the care, maintenance, and modification of firearms. Soaked in the stench of gun oil and gunpowder, the Lord of War is often a master of munitions as well. It is not uncommon for the Lord of War to shoot as well as they fix.
Operations Architect, Weapons Technician, Acquisition Specialist, Supply & Logistics Associate, Cryo Judge, Gun Smith, Arms Dealer
Important Skills
munitions, trading, pistol
Useful Skills
explosives, heavy weapon, rifle, submachinegun
Related Stats
int, pcp


A master of chemical compounds, the Candyman is the MacGyver of the drug world. Able to tell what something is just by sampling it, there isn't a flavor the Candyman hasn't experimented with. Given the right tools, the Candyman can craft custom chemical compounds with unique effects. Often working with a Fixer or Street Urchin to move their product, the Candyman is typically fair at trade.
Chemistry Manager, Chemical Technician, Chemist, Bartender, Acquisition Specialist, General Pharmacist, Mixologist, Drug Dealer, Pot Farmer, Underground Chemist
Important Skills
chemical, trading
Useful Skills
driving, explosives
Related Stats

Cyber Jockey

If you are interested in playing a jockey then you will be more limited in terms of coded support for your character than you would be picking a different archetype to base your character on. If you are looking for coded support for your characters skills, you should stay away from jockey related skills. We are currently working on new code for jockey but we do not have a release date yet. PROCEED WITH CAUTION. The cyber jockey has lived their whole life online. Software is their source code. Outside of Withmore City, they rule the Matrix with their leet skillz. Inside the City, they hack the Grid looking for information to sell to Fixers. Corporations are full of Cyber Jockeys who code for the man by day and hack it for the mixers late into the night.
Engineering Manager, Gridworks Manager, Operations Architect, Software, Server Technician, Operative, Matrix Developer, Non-Salaried Consultant, Gridworks Support, Grid Technician, Network Administrator, Security Consultant, Hacker
Important Skills
cracking, systems, programming
Useful Skills
electro tech
Related Stats
int, pcp

Tech Guru

A Tech Guru loves to take everything apart. Often just to see if they can put it back together again. Commonly better with gizmos and gadgets than they are with people, they're pretty good at fixing and modifying all sorts of things. Corporations need plenty of Tech Gurus and they often work closely with security groups due to their high dependence on technology.
Surveilance Manager, Operations Architect, Climate Technician, Server Technician, Maintenance Engineer, Operative, OpSec Pilot, Support Pilot, VIP Liaison Pilot, Air Ambulance Pilot, Grid Technician, Security Technician, Electronics Technician, Remote Operator
Important Skills
electro tech, secure tech
Useful Skills
rigging, cracking
Related Stats
int, agl

Street Urchin

A Street Urchin grew up on the streets (not Withmore's in most cases), having to fend for themselves more often than not. The lessons from those years left their mark. Having to beg, borrow and steal for your food at times really has a way of honing your skills too. They often find themselves on the fringe of polite society and they often go unnoticed.
Ops Manager, Clone Savior, Disposal Technician, Custodian, Dancer, Performer, Journalist, Immigration Aid, Archivist, Courier, Drug Dealer, Spy, Smuggler
Important Skills
thievery, stealth
Useful Skills
dodge, disguise
Related Stats
pcp, agl