And then after you watch that, here's the Season 2 trailer to drool over.
Comes back Feb 27th!
(Edited by Johnny at 10:51 am on 2/12/2020)
And then after you watch that, here's the Season 2 trailer to drool over.
Comes back Feb 27th!
(Edited by Johnny at 10:51 am on 2/12/2020)
Definitely keen to watch more.
First, you remember your death and all the pain and trauma that came with it. This isn't the case in Sindome. One minute you are sitting comfortably in the pod getting scanned the next you are at Genetek. The exception is corpse cloning of course. But even then the trauma in Sindome is different from AC. It's not that you remember the trauma of your death but you instead get new trauma inflicted on you as a part of the process.
Second, you often pop out in a body very different from the body you just spent years and years getting comfortable with and have to adapt. The psychological stress of having a new face, the need to learn to control a body that is bigger, or smaller, stronger or weaker, male or female or other, or different in all the many, many ways possible.
It is a key skill of the envoys (in the books at least): Being able to adapt to a new sleeve so quickly and with far fewer issue. I LOVED this about the books. The way the author took something that I had never even considered (the trauma of cloning out in a new sleeve) and and used it as a way of making a class of characters stand out and be unique without it just being a god mode thing.
Personally, I'd rather not see people start to react to cloning in Sindome the way characters in AC react to cloning. I'd prefer it if players would think about how cloning works in Sindome, their character's experiences, personality and mental state, the type of cloning done. Then RP it out as makes sense in Sindome for their character and the given circumstances.
Second, you often pop out in a body very different from the body you just spent years and years getting comfortable with and have to adapt. The psychological stress of having a new face, the need to learn to control a body that is bigger, or smaller, stronger or weaker, male or female or other, or different in all the many, many ways possible.
In Sindome, baring some very exceptional circumstances, you always pop out as yourself again. Sometimes new clones even retain scars and defects that the character had before (the player's choice) and this is often RPed as occurring because Genetek/SensNet determined this was a far better route over all given the psychological trauma cloning out without them would have caused that particular character.
There are cases where your body's state before cloning out will be noticeably different from it's state at the last update and I think that should be RPed if you choose to go that route but it's still your body and far less traumatic then a 16 year old short and skinny Hispanic boy with the face of an angel cloning out as an ugly 93 year old tall and fat woman of African descent.