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Stepping down

For a long time, SD has been a big part of my life. It's the only text game I've ever played and I've had a lot of good times here.

Recently, I was the victim of nasty accusations by a former player. While I usually keep my mouth shut when people talk shit about SD, this particular instance hit a little too close to home. Close friends and relatives of mine have been sexually harassed IRL and being accused of this shit baselessly did end up striking a nerve.

I felt like I had to defend myself and I couldn't leave these accusations unchallenged. But in the process of defending myself, I did end up breaking rules and revealing privileged information that I shouldn't have. I recognized I did wrong and asked for the bosses to move to suspend or fire me.

However, they are incredibly busy and haven't gotten to doing it yet. And in the process of waiting for judgement, players are quitting because it looks like nothing is being done about me.

For those players who have had negative experiences interacting with me - I'm sorry. For those players who have lost trust in the game and staff due to my actions - I'm sorry.

So here is my resignation. I've always done my best and tried to give as much as I could to enrich this place, but nothing lasts forever. For the good of the game, it's time for me to move on. Peace.


I honestly wish this wasn't true. People are going to hate and accuse. I hope this is just a small break I don't know to much how the GM side of everything works but I think you are an integral part of the mud and I hate to see this.
I'm sorry to see you go, Storm.

You were a total bastard of a boss and we went entirely way too hard on XHELP a few times. But I've grown as a player with your support and tutoring (even if it was also via clubbing me in the head.) I always had S+ tier respect for you as a player, and you had a good handle on theme and guiding the people you had under you in the various venues under your control.

A few times you yelled at me, I felt absolutely crushed OOCly, because I have, for a long time, considered you a pretty close friend. Even though we don't speak and haven't RPed together much in years.

I hope you'll recover from this, and maybe we'll see you IC sometime. Until then, be well, be safe, and keep on.

I havent really been here long , but thank you for all the work you've put in for our little community. I totally understand where you are coming from and wish you the best in your future endeavours. Oh captain my captain. Hope you stay safe and well Storm.

I don't recall if I've conversed much with you, but I always see you answering my xhelps and dealing with things that need doing in a swift, efficient manner. You'll be missed, surely. Though this may add some more work to the rest of the GM's, this has to be your choice because in the end, real life comes first. Whatever you decide, if you come back or not, be well. <3

It has truly been a wild ride, dude, and I appreciate all the work you've put in.
Cannot say I'm not disappointed. But I do understand this decision.

In the September town hall we all saw Storm's positive impact on the game. Number one in xhelps, puppets, notes. I always had a positive experience, cannot say I ever saw him use his powers in an abusive manner.

It sucks that as a community we allow this toxic shit to go on and we are not shielding our staff enough from unwarranted criticism and personal attacks. They are people too, they are also affected by personal attacks as you and I would be. And I personally would've understood this as senior staff. If Storm did reveal some details about past IC events, that's obviously not good but are we looking at the greater picture here? What's more important?

If you left for your own mental health and sanity? Good! It's been a ride. Hope you can at least stick around and enjoy the game. If not, see you on the grid.

edited because this person was shit posting.

(Edited by Slither at 2:27 pm on 9/16/2022)

I don't think this ends up good for the game overall, I'll respectfully disagree.

The player in question in their time in Sindome, which spans years, has often themselves come onto xooc and talked about how patient and kind you've been with them. How you've tried to help them, how you've guided them, how you've given them hours of your time.

This person has taken that type of patience, kindness and gone on a series of horrific behaviors outside of the game to try to tear it apart, striking during an opportunity when there's unrest. They have hurt real people with terrible lies that because of how the rules work, which I respect, we can't come to your defense or the defense of others with the truth.

Although you're a pretty brusque and intense guy at times in your role, I've always found you to be relatively fair and thanks for the time you've put into Sindome. And thanks for being the only one who'll talk about basketball with me on xooc.

I encourage staff to take whatever steps are personally needed for their own mental health, but I hope we do not as a community open ourselves to the free-for-all harassment of bad actors who are rejoicing at just this sort of outcome. I believe baseless personal attacks by disgruntled trolls should not be given any validation or concession.
Let's. be clear, Crashdown, the part that isn't good for the game isn't Storm stepping down due to delayed ruling on the part of other admins. That's a selfless, thoughtful, transparent and positive act. Might it be a bit overboard? I'd call it going above and beyond in the name of integrity.

The part that isn't good for the game is the shit this troll and stalker is doing.

Here's hoping that other staff will vote and invite Storm back, and here's hoping that some asinine player hasn't poisoned Storm so badly that he says No.

I think I was pretty clear that I think Storm leaving isn't good for the game's health, though I understand where he's coming from and why he's doing so. It wasn't a critique of Storm in any way.
It's a sad day for Sindome when a fantastic GM feels so hounded and attacked that they feel they need to step back from a role that they've poured years of energy into.

I wish you didn't feel like you needed to, Storm; you've been such a good GM and I've really enjoyed interacting with you through puppets over the past years. But I understand.

I would counsel the playerbase to think carefully about how they treat the volunteers who freely and enthusiastically give their time to us. No I'm deserves to be treated like this over baseless accusations.

It's a sad day for Sindome when a fantastic GM feels so hounded and attacked that they feel they need to step back from a role that they've poured years of energy into.

I wish you didn't feel like you needed to, Storm; you've been such a good GM and I've really enjoyed interacting with you through puppets over the past years. But I understand.

I would counsel the playerbase to think carefully about how they treat the volunteers who freely and enthusiastically give their time to us. No one deserves to be treated like this over baseless accusations.

This isn't "the playerbase", who generally treat the staff great.

This is one literal criminal.


"Go on brush your shoulders off."

The only way to lose is to quit.

Cliches aside, don't let a few haters tear you down.

There is a group of people who like to talk trash on this place. They do it because they can't be a part of it. They also can't get over it. Their removal from the community lingers in their small minds like a disease. They can't own their part of it, so they sling hate.

Don't let it stick to you. Don't martyr yourself over whatever happened.

Conveniently saw this post today when I made my decision to quit playing, or at least quit playing characters that do anything indepth. I had not known Storm stepped down and a particularly nasty NPC interaction had already left a sour taste in my mouth, which is explained by his absence. [edited out as it contained IC info] The nonchalance of staff, hostility of players, and shifting towards a more social theme rather than cyberpunk is just not for me. Peace out, Storm. Peace out the rest of you. Fuck y'all. Aiyaa.

(Edited by Slither at 7:05 am on 9/22/2022)

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