Over the past few months the staff have been working on updates to our rules in general, and also more specifically around OOC Communication. Some of these rules have already been rolled out or updated:
- Punishments
- Discussing Old Roleplay (War-Stories)
- Reporting Rules Violations
- Failure to comply with punishment
- Community Harm
- Multiple Accounts Playing from the same IP
- Using a Proxy or VPN
We have some additional rules updates we've been work-shopping. A lot of time has gone into discussing these rules changes, both on the staff side, and by soliciting feedback from a number of different players. For something this large however, we wanted to open up discussion to the community and get feedback before we finalize the proposed rules and bring them a vote on the Staff side.
Below, I will share a Google Doc which you can read through which contains the proposed rules changes, some supplementary help file information on what is/is not allowed (so we can keep the @rules themselves lean) as well as an FAQ with questions we think will be asked or that came up when we were getting feedback from individual players.
Before I share it, a warning: The proposed rules have NOT been adopted. They still might NOT be adopted. The current rules are still in place.
Until such time as the staff votes and some or all of these rules are adopted, the current rules remain in place and you are expected to follow them.
There will be feelings
People are going to have feelings about these proposed changes. Some will think they are great, some will think it is a bad idea. Please be respectful of other people when discussing. Please read all the way through, as the FAQ explains why we are considering these changes, why we think it is important, and what we hope will improve as a result.
I firmly believe that the changes we are proposing here will be a positive for the community. It shows the staff trust our players to make good decisions. It modernizes our rules to be more in-line with what people expect from a game these days. These rules changes acknowledge that there is a large interest from our playerbase to have more tools to form lasting OOC friendships as a result of Sindome, while still maintaining the IC/OOC divide that is at the core of Sindome as a game.
Some people may wish that we had gone further with our changes. We did discuss and propose some rule changes that went further, but the staff felt that the changes proposed in the doc are already large enough. That isn't to say we won't revisit these rules in the future when we have more information.
A lot of thought has gone into what you are about to read
We have put a LOT of thought and discussion and time into the proposed changes. We've considered a lot of different variations, some that went further, some that didn't go as far. We've considered the trade-offs, the potential risks, the potential benefits, how this effects current and former players, etc. There are definitely risks involved here, and if we adopt these proposed changes and it becomes clear that this isn't working, we'll take a step back and decide how we want to move forward.
Our Ask of You
- Keep an open mind, both in reading the proposed changes, and in writing and reading feedback
- We want your feedback. Please read through the proposed changes and respond with your feedback in this thread
- Keep it cool and be respectful in your responses
- You can discuss the proposed changes, and respond to other peoples thoughts on them
- It's OK not to like a change. We are open to hearing about alternatives
- It's OK to think a change doesn't go far enough
- Please try to be constructive in your feedback. If you like/don't like something, why? What are some alternatives?
- Do you have questions that we don't answer in the rules or FAQ?
- Are there gaps in the rules that we haven't considered?
Living Document
This is a living document. And it will be updated based on feedback gathered here. So if you get in early, and then read it again later, it may not be exactly the same. We want to be as clear as possible, cover as much as possible, but also keep the rules lean enough that someone can actually read through and understand them. That's a bit of a balancing act in and of itself.