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- Woeful 4m
- Freshmeat_Guest 31m [Welcome to Sindome]
- Lena 45s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Komira 7s
- adrognik 1m
- Sivartas 0s
a Kard 47m
- zxq 8m
- Baphomei 14s
- Baguette 3m waow
- QueenZombean 5m
- Bruhlicious 4h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- Emily 5m Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 28m Doing a bit of everything.
And 23 more hiding and/or disguised

Help File Audit [updating]
A mass update to all help files is in progress

Hey Everyone -

I'm in the process of auditing all of our help files. It's a long process. The purpose of which is to better cross link help files with a SEE ALSO section, as well as to try to bring a bit of consistency to how help files are laid out. Help files that are accessible to players but are for commands that are currently restricted to admin (help @age for example) are marked as [ADMIN ONLY].

Help files for stuff that was built into the MOO that we either don't use or is not needed any more is marked as [DEPRECATED] now.

All help files starting with an @ have been reviewed. All help files from 'a' and ending at 'cp' have been updated.

I have also added some new code so that when a help file is updated a 'last updated' line is shown at the bottom of the file. This will help us to have better organizational awareness of help files that have not been reviewed or updated in a long period of time. For some, this is normal. For others, I've found slightly out of date information. Hence the audit.

I will keep you updated as time goes on as to the progress of this effort.

-- S

Update: I've gotten all the way to 'donate' now.
I'm up to 'guns' in the help file audit.
Okay, I've reviewed/updated every single help file. Took me about 12 hours. I hope I never have to do that again, lol.

We now have timestamps on the last time a help file was updated. They should all be from within the last week or so. This will help us identify help files that have not been updated in a while a lot easier.

I've removed or redirected a number of help files, as we had info in too many places, spread out, or repeat help files with different names.

Help files now have two different formats. Command style:

Syntax: command

Description of command.

Possible Examples.


help another help file

possible video tutorial link

other links



And concepts help file:


Description of topic.


help other stuff

possible video tutorial link

other links


Hope this helps new players and old players alike!

-- S

You are a wonderful human being

Now Cerb has even more reason to call me a lazy web publisher.

We thank you!

Thankless work, slither. Great job.
Hands down, amazing. Thank you so much.
Admin creating new help files will now be provided with a template based on the type of help file (command or topic). This will help ensure that all new help files follow the same two templates I've spent many hours putting all the other help files in.






Syntax: command

