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- Lena 57s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Komira 4s
- adrognik 8m
- Sivartas 1m
- Enven 16m
a Kard 3m
- zxq 7m
- Baphomei 4m
- Baguette 0s waow
- QueenZombean 6s
- BigBiscuit 17s
- Bruhlicious 3h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- Hivemind 1m
- Emily 2m Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 5m Doing a bit of everything.
And 28 more hiding and/or disguised

Driver, shut the fuck up and drive to the fucking Drome NOW!
...And other things you'll be hearing more of.

Johnny and I have made alot of progress on cars, pathing, and related features recently.

Here's the changelog:

Chauffeurs can now (assuming you have access to one) be instructed to drive you to common destinations in Withmore. Simply tell them where you want to go.

They can hear you from the back of the limo as well. With the partition down, speak loudly, and say, "Driver, " and your instructions.

He can tell you how far away something is, how much further it is to your destination (are we there yet?), where you presently are... he'll stop driving if you ask him to, and has no problems if you change your mind while he's driving.

If you tell him in an urgent voice, (postfix it with now!) he'll drive you there at top speed.

He can tell you how much gas is left, take you 'back', (your last destination before the one you presently gave him), and even reconize places by their 'popular name' (Cordoba Mallplex, NeXus, the mall on green, it's all the same).

He'll also respond correctly to certian 'IC situtations', but I'm not telling you anything more than that. (evil grin)

The future may hold things like auto-nav systems, driverless taxis, and eventually AV's. But everything mentioned above is in the game right now.



It is godly!
All must bow before the great and powerful coders who bring us these nifty toys!
I must say, Johnny gave me a bit of a preview of this, and it ROCKS!

Riding around Gold and Red in a limo and watching as it correctly responded to the voice commands and the interaction of the driver was one of the slickest things I've seen here yet.

Johnny was also explaining what had to get done to the code to get it to the point where they even -could- do this, and that made me even more appreciative of all the work put in.

Many players (including myself) have asked for 'this' and for 'that', and there have been complaints, or at least grumbeling in the past about how long it takes to put some of this stuff into production.

My opinion is, that if development of some of these things seem slow to us, it's because there is a ton of work being done behind the scenes to get the job done the right way, the first time.

Kudos folks!

Now ...

   ... take the power of SuperHappyFunLand to recreate 'stuff' from instructions stored on disk (we call this Memento Logic, or 'Dittoing up' a copy)

   ... add the ability for NPCs to find their way to a destination

   ... add a dispatcher NPC to the dispatch booth (WJF-OPS)

and now judges can call for backup and it will arrive. Fear the law, for now it can outnumber you.

Unbalanced?! Oh my, we can't have that, can we? Well, thats why other 'groups' will begin to be able to do the same as I get to them.

What your witnessing is the code has reached a level of maturity which it has never possessed before.

When the MOO started, most everyone was a neophyte. Johnny included. They did not have years of experience to draw on. They had sheer willpower, and that's what drove them. They wrote code that got the job done, and did their best to keep an eye on the future, while not really knowing what would be ultimately possible. Sure, they had ideas, but they didn't -know- where it would be in 5 years.

It's been almost a year since I joined, and in that time we all have made some very drastic changes in how we code. Johnny has had 5 years of experience to teach him what the right way to do things are, and our understanding of how to build things has matured greatly with his knolwedge. We no longer build features; we build frameworks to support features, and then enable the features through the use of the framework.

The anology would be like building a house: We used to build one story houses, with a front and back door, kitchen, bathroom, and living room. If we wanted to later add on a second story, we often found ourselves tearing down and redesigning the entire house just to support the second story.

Now we build foundations. And on thoes foundations, we can build any type of house you want. It can start with a one story house, and turn into a mansion, or a castle without having to tear down the walls and start all over. Because our foundations are strong, and flexible enough to support any of thoes things.

The framework is our foundation: The Babble-On Scripting language. The Mementoing (Ditto) technology. The NPC responses used to make NPC's respond to what your saying. The pathing logic, to determine a path from point A to point B. And that's just the stuff you hear about. There's tons of small, code-helper stuff that makes these things possible, like mutually exclusive locks (mutexes), message mutexes, the scheduler, and things like that that make the code standardized, easily read, reusuable, and simple.

When you have these strong foundations, it becomes POSSIBLE to build large structures on top of them. Like Judge Responses. Like Chouffeurs. Like all the things that were now working on that you'll find out about soon enough.

And the code is GOOD. ~It reveals it's intentions when you read it.~ It's not obscure, and hard to follow. It's SHORT, simple, clear, and easily changed. It's flexible, REUSUABLE, and reads like a story.

We now write LESS code to do MORE. Because the little code we write utilizes LOTS of code from our frameworks. The majority of the work has been done up front in the form of the framework. All that's left is to tie it all together in the form of a feature.

And here's proof: Johnny cranked out choufferus in about 4-5 evenings with a bit of help from me. Less than a week!!! It took him so little time because we allready HAD most of the tools to make it happen. It's just been a very long time in making thoes tools.

I'm not telling you this so we can toot our own horns. I just wanted to give you all a better understanding of why this is happening at the time it is, and what it means. I hope it makes sense.


(Edited by Kevlar at 2:58 pm on Jan. 31, 2003)

oh my.

it's going to get a wee bit harder for people to simply ignore NPCs and treat them as NPCs.


the more things that make the dome seem 'alive and teeming' the better!

nice work.


Unbalanced?! Oh my, we can't have that, can we? Well, thats why other 'groups' will begin to be able to do the same as I get to them.

Does this mean we can look forward to huge ganger vs Judge battles?

It would be cool to have a judge walk up to a ganger and attack him or her, and have the garger call for backup, and then the judges have to call for back up and ... and the next thing you know there's peices and parts and dead bodies and stuff all around ...

I don't know if I would say huge, but this is already possible right now.
hurray for chaos.
Two words:

Hireable Henchpeople.

Yes? You follow?

The possibilities open up like mad. TERRA agents now respond to WJF calls for backup. A system is comming soon for players to call to TERRA for help on RED. TERRA is actively growing thematicly. Also, soon, gangs will expand. We have new features in gangers and thugs that make them react more realistically in the environment.

It is really exciting to see how things are developing now, and Jman and Kev deserve a lot of kudos for doing what they do. Finn and Wren as well for the back end stuff that you'll never see as a player, but make life as a GM hellah easier to do and manage.

So yeah, tight stuff.

So now while walking around Red I have to worry more about running into gangs AND about running into TERRA.  Well, I'll say this much, don't expect people trying to start doing a whole lot more criminal type stuff.  At least that's what I think.
Amazing work fellas :)

and Hirononbu, think long term, not immediate.


Ya know what?  I've seen a limo, I've seen a jeep, I've seen sports cars.  What I haven't seen is a car like mine.  20 years old.  Big dent in the top, bent radio antenna, cracked windshield, has a tendancy to stall.  Where are all the cars for those drivers who AREN'T filthy stinking rich?  Maybe they don't drive as fast, are harder to drive, and can't take as much damage.  Just seem like with all the cars around, some would have to be owned by citizens of red, and thus, proably not that valuable.
Well, why would any of the scum on RED really need a car.  Cars aren't cheap in any sense of the word...just think about the price change for the time period.  A five hundred dollar, rust bucket, might only run for two days, car in Withmore would cost 10K.  Why would you spend that much money on something that might not work, especially if you ain't strapped with cash?
It's a lot easier to get 10k than to get 100k or a million or whatever those really nice cars cost.


Because last week I told the GMs that its time to get ownable and rentable vehicles in the game. They are actively designing late 21st Century vehicles.

This will not include motorcycles, they'll need different code.

whoo-hoo a acar.... no cars!!!

Word on the street has it Taxi's work again.


And the people rejoiced. Good stuff guyz. Much obliged. :)
Kudos and cheers, seriously, work on the game makes players more happy than is commonly communicated, and is needed/appricated.  

-now to utilize them-  hrm..