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- Lena 3s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Knyghtskye 1m
- Komira 3m
- adrognik 3m
- Sivartas 48s
- Enven 11m
a Kard 3m
- zxq 2m
- Baphomei 26s
- Baguette 1m waow
- QueenZombean 43s
- BigBiscuit 1m
- Bruhlicious 3h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- Hivemind 6m
- Emily 4m Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 1m Doing a bit of everything.
And 28 more hiding and/or disguised

[July 2019] Improvements Roundup
Your one stop shop for everything updated in July 2019


There was an issue where a player could close the mag-lev doors from inside the train or from the station, resulting in a locked mag-lev door and potentially trapping players inside a mag-lev until the next stop or preventing them from boarding.

This has been fixed, you are no longer able to trap people in mag-levs.


I've added a new reminder which people will see a couple times starting at about 2 weeks that points them to the metagaming help file.


I've added an admin facing system for admin to put in puppet requests that they, or other GMs need to do. Basically, it's a queue for puppet requests that admin need to do, that admin maintain. So if your character needs to be contacted about a job, or for a plot, we can track it easier now.

This should allow us to have even fewer things fall through the cracks and allow us to rely less on TODOs in notes.


You no longer watch yourself when doing 'watch all'. Just the other bakas.


I put the code that listens to channels inside the wrong if statement when I was making it so OOC chat gave you a random alias, so folks may not be seeing things on game help even though it says you joined. I have fixed this.

Please @xlisten game if you suspect this is happening to you.


There was a bug where WJF Ops / a WJF Operator could not see GM-generated public SIC messages.

This has been fixed, WJF Ops will now see all public SIC messages like everyone else.


Some dynamic rooms like markets and the badlands were throwing tracebacks for two reasons, one was they were running out of 'quota' to actually spawn the next room.

The other was we had some code that was supposed to suspend and restore ticks, but it was in the wrong place. I've fixed both of these.


The game will now generate weights based on your height and build. This means that the weight range for thin, average and husky characters varies based on their exact height.

Going forward there should no longer be any height/build/weight combos generated that are unrealistic or out of the box. On the flip side, if you don’t like the exact numbers generated you have but one recourse: Get change them ICly.


Some socials which contained color in them were getting messed up due to the way color codes work and are passed around the MOO. I've manually fixed xconfetti and xtilde. If there are others, bring them to my attention. xtilde still looks a little weird because it resets the color in some clients, but folks will just have to deal with it.


There were two issues here. One, the room description contained text that was copy and pasted and stated that the elevator was on floor 1. I've removed that. Obviously a mistake since that's dynamically calculated. Copypasta.

Second, the 1st floor elevator lobby had a .floor_num of 0, it should have been 1. This is why it was not calling the elevator. Also fixed.


There was a bug where the properties on the NLM Cineplex got messed and stopped it from working, this has been fixed and the Cineplex once again works.

Secondly, there was a coded limitation where you could not route an "approved" program to the Cineplex. This has been changed so that the producer running the inputs to the Cineplex can choose whether or not they want to run an "approved" or "unapproved" program, allowing them to do pre-screenings before finalizing a show, or running a fully-done and approved program from NLM's library.


Currently, when a SIC chip is dropped because a character dies, the chip will be blank or have just the info stored on it when it was installed. going forward, the chip will drop with current relevant data. What should be on it at the time of death.

However, to prevent bloat, the current system is designed so that clones do not have an actual SIC chip. Everything looks like they do and works as if they did but it's not there. So acquiring an sic chip usually still requires GM Support - prior to either death or surgery.


It is now possible for us to add scripts which will give players messages when they take a hit from a drug. Currently, these experiences focus on how the character feels, or what they are experiencing. I have opened this up on Fix-It and the Scripting forum for players to contribute to.

Currently there are two experience scripts:



Each script has 12 different messages. Each hit of a drug will show you one of these messages. I've chosen to show only one message per hit since some drugs are taken more regularly. As time goes on and you use a drug, you'll start to get a feel for the experience.

I have purposefully not made this a very intrusive or elongated experience. Just one message of flavor per hit. Once folks have had a chance to use this new code-- I'll look for feedback on if it should be multiple messages, or if one seems to be the sweet spot.


You can now use @options pose to turn on an echo of your pose. You will see it as an uninvolved observer would see it.


So it turns out when I fixed the Cineplex, I broke NLM routing some live sources(EyePods and studios, to be exact), making it not possible to do live feeds from studios or EyePods.

This has been fixed, NLM can now actually stream things live.


Previously, I fixed what I thought was a bug where previous groceries were being thrown out when you restock a kitchenette with new groceries. Due to how these are set up, this as actually not what was intended with the original code so that has been reverted. That means that when you restock you are overwriting whatever you have with whatever you have purchased. I guess this is why groceries are so cheap.

I have however added a confirmation when you go to restock that tells you what is about to happen and gives you a chance to abort doing it. This should prevent future confusion about how this works.


There was a bug where the drivers of the Freesky to Kashflo shuttles weren't working. This is because the code that triggered them via the intercom was still using old ANSI color codes, and thus the NPC never knew it was being "spoken" to via the intercom(due to mismatched color codes, even though it looked the same).

We have changed the code to strip out all color tags from speech NPCs receive, and updated all trigger strings to remove any hard-coded color tags. This should resolve any future issues with NPCs and color.

TL;DR you can fly to Kashflo again, the shuttles work.


Ganger mementos all had @fatal set and would kill your ass and fuck the Code.

This has been changed, ganger mementos now follow the Code and will show mercy and not corpse you instantly. However, if you die from bleeding because they beat you that badly, that's your fault.

Slight update to the above, When I say "gangers" I specifically am talking about the ones who signed the Code, and the mementos of them.

If you piss off one of the always-there core gang members enough, they might still kill your ass. This update was to stop memento gangers from corpsing everyone they fought no matter what even during gang fights.

Wanted to post for clarity!


The 'hide' command has been updated to prevent hiding your person in situations that don't make sense. You can no longer hide yourself when grappling, being grappled, sitting, guarding, recovering, or riding.

The 'hide ITEM' command has been updated to prevent hiding an item in all the situations above plus when handcuffed. Also, there was existing code that was supposed to make you hold an item you wanted to hide that did not work but this is fixed. You have to hold a thing to hide it.

As this change has the potential to be pretty impactful and involved a fair amount of refactoring, please be sure to let us know if you notice anything odd. Provide any feedback you may have. Thanks!


There was a long standing issue, reported in detail by a player, and in lesser detail today by another player. Basically the trades would happen but the script was reporting it incorrectly. It was showing the team they were traded to as the team they were traded from, and vice versa. Very confusing. I've fixed and rerun the deathball script.

As a result, there are new matches for the week, and I've cleared out the bets that were made and refunded the money bet on it.


This code has been overhauled and will now ignore space and badlands. It will also tell you parties based on level. So if there is shit going on on multiple levels, your bartender friends who got those connections, can tell you.

The code is also smarter now-- it will include puppeted NPCs.

It will also ignore locations that do not meet a specific minimum (not saying what that minimum is as it could change. So if there is one dude at a bar on blue, you aren't getting notified.


Kard was on to a bug where NPCs that try to mimic disguises were causes tbs because they tried to disguise up after retiring. We fixed this issue.


I've added two new reminders based on feedback from the Townhall. These messages will be shown twice, as part of the reminder onboarding.

1. Where's the party: this tells folks that we have this feature and how to use it

2. What's the chatter: this tells folks that we have this feature and how to use it

Technically you'll all see this message twice because you've never seen it before. That's how these reminders work :)


There is now a reminder for us having '@good-answer' so new players will know how to reward folks with karma.


You can no longer send empty cm/ce/cep/cr messages. The system will warn you of a message timeout, since you failed to actually send something.


Thanks to a fellow player/scripter, we've got a new LnA-3z experience script for when you take the drug. Enjoy.


Based on feedback from the Town Hall, we have added the ability to change your SIC color. @options sic will will bring up a menu of colors you can choose from, picking one will change all SIC you see(ca, cm, cc, cr, etc) and all incoming SIC to this color. It will not allow you to change individual SIC function colors, all SIC traffic will be changed to this new color.

help sic-color has been created and contains how to use this feature.



The "clean" verb, as well as the prime / setup / defuse / disable verbs on timebombs will all now work with 1st / 2nd / 3rd / etc, if you have more than one on you. There was a problem of how the code executed when there was ambiguity in which object you were referring to, it has been resolved.

Note: This is on a per-verb basis, if anyone finds other things that don't work with multiples please let us know!


'ces' by itself and 'chelp' by itself will now both include your primary encryption key if you have one selected. QOL update.


To and say will no longer send out empty messages if you hit enter too soon.


Missed this, fixed now.

V202 & EXD7

Based on feedback, these drugs will now last longer.


These were not working in some cases due to them trying to create dynamic rooms that were in the city, which was failing. They use the correct airspace now. I also fixed several roofs in the badlands that had the wrong Z index for their height.


There is a new set of code that will run each time you move while disguised. It will run a basic skill check to see if you meet a minimum requirement on your skill roll (which uses stats as well). If you do not meet this requirement / fail the roll, your disguise score will be reduced slightly. Thus, folks who are able to disguise up but have no disguise skill will be more likely to drop their disguise more quickly. This is a result of folks using disguise a lot without actually having the skill, and us balancing things.


Based on feedback, I have moved these reminders to the new read-only Tip-Line channel.

You'll be listening this channel by default when you come out of char-gen from now on, but you can @xsilence it like other channels. I've also done a one-time forcing of everyone to listen to this channel.

So, tune these out with @xsilence if they're getting too frequent and you know what they're reminding you about already.

To be clear on this: you only saw new tips today because I added new ones, and each one was set to be shown twice. Thus, after 24 hours you'd have seen them all and it would go back to silence until you needed to be reminded of something. This is how the system works still. If you stay logged into the channel, you'll only be notified if something is missing (@voice, @nakeds, etc) or if a new tip is added that you haven't seen before.


metagaming *Last Updated: 07/03/19 by Fengshui*

support_gm *Last Updated: 07/03/19 by Fengshui*

pose *Last Updated: 07/14/19 by Fengshui*

aim *Last Updated: 07/17/19 by Mench*

roleplaying *Last Updated: 07/17/19 by Mench*

social_class *Last Updated: 07/17/19 by Mench*

bleed *Last Updated: 07/17/19 by Mench*

membership *Last Updated: 07/17/19 by Mench*

weather *Last Updated: 07/17/19 by Mench*

chatter *Last Updated: 07/23/19 by Fengshui*

sic *Last Updated: 07/26/19 by Fengshui*

sic-color *Last Updated: 07/26/19 by Fengshui*