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Meh-Metachrosis Skin
Why no disguise?

So, this is a stupid grievance and I'm exercising by bubblegum bitch rights to spew them forth.

I am severely underwhelmed by Metachrosis Skin. The inherent stealth bonus is AWESOME but at the sacrifice of some armor - totes makes sense. But why doesn't it disguise the wearer? No one ever pointed at cloaked Major Kusanagi and was like "Hey Motoko", right?

I think you would see a much large adaption of it if toggling it as a wearing/removing a disguise with all the code to lose said disguise.

Does anyone else wanna be svelte translucent baka?

Yes please!
This makes a lot of sense since my main issue with this nano is if someone spots you, which is extremely easy to do with certain tools, you're pretty much made.
I don’t have any experience with this nano but it sounds like it should do exactly what you suggest.

I think if Predator and all I can envision is some bendy light figure, not any physical detail.

I am 100% behind this suggestion. I love this nano, and it's themely as fuck, but you need to expose skin to use it, which means you're going to be disguising less. It would be dope as fuck for it to disguise you.

Maybe a command like /blend for it to take effect or something for disguise?

Metachrosis involved a lot of RP to create and the saddest thing ever was when it came out and nobody went and got it.

It's also not super usable with armor which makes sense, but if you can afford nanos you are probably not bringing them on a stealth mission with no gear because that's usually a waste of a sleeve.

Anyway just doing the disguise thing would be cool. It could additionally buff disguise for people wearing partial disguises (wigs, masks) and I don't think that would be OP. It makes enough sense in-universe with how it works, too.

Agreed in principle, but I think it's 'always on', isn't it? Or you just mean you auto-disguise as you remove articles of clothing?
Metachrosis activates when you hide, so it could disguise you then and keep you disguised until it slipped or you dropped the disguise.
I always liked the idea of these nanos for the ninja type characters rather than combat characters using stealth as a side-skill, but it's upsetting to me that not even the thieves/pickpockets/stealth mains are using it, at least not the majority that I've seen.

Maybe a buff could be in order and the disguise could very well work.

A major issue is that every 2nd char I see is tattooed and metachrosis forces them to take the chance of still being ID'd. Maybe if when it's activated tattoos cease to appear for the duration?
Necro, I think you hit the nail on the head with the tattoos. Eph, that sounds amazing as well.

This particular nano was the one I had the highest hopes for, and had a blast rp'ing the mutation. Given its function though, it didn't end up factoring much into my play because of the current drawbacks.

From the description, I'm under the impression that this does allow you to change your skintone at will.

Could be wrong but that's what I read it as.

It was implemented before the @skintone was created. Whether it's been coded to take advantage of the new feature, I'm not sure.
Slitherrrrrrr! 😅
On the topic of skintone modification, you can find a post below..

Metachrosis is such a cool idea in theory but I would love if it actually was good stealth and disguise. It's living adaptive skin. And could expended into soooo many cool options.
It would be great if it contributed to disguise, though it would need to "kick in" somehow as it does with its main purpose.

I think its functionally interesting for non combat characters as it is and think more people should try it honestly. I don't see it having the best application for how a combat character might want to use it because of how it works.

Noncombat characters should really consider that this world is dangerous and they should consider at least some form of protection when things get dicey whether it be stealth or peacing the heck out. I think metachrosis is underappreciated that way.

Yeah I think the core concept of nanos/cyberware that buffs characters doing things while not wearing battle armours is a great idea that is worth iterating and improving on, but my experience was that players rarely felt like metachrosis was really effective enough or interesting enough to be making that particular trade off.
Stealth in general suffers from enough weird mechanical hurdles and BS drawbacks and environmental issues that I'm pretty sure none of the game's developers ever really wanted to have to deal with too much sneaky shit being done against them.

The stealth nano permanently and visibly signalling a character has it to everyone they meet has to be the most counterproductive design of all time. That alone being excised probably makes metachrosis a real choice against the other nanos, but bonuses to wig and contact based disguises (NOT PONCHOS) would help too.

I agree that the visual indicator is pretty blatant. Even though I personally enjoyed emoting the weirdness of it, Id rather it be something only a Doctor could detect with things(tm). Then players could chose whether or not to reveal it visually in everyday life or not.

Id love if it were a nano for non-combat characters that still encouraged risky business. What I dont want is every solo wearing Xo9000 and getting this to be invisible. Ive always played stealth characters in pretty much every game and love the playstyle of careful planning and sneaky sneaks. Being a "strange silhouette" or something as OP mentioned would be nifty - even if a counter balance was general proportions (lithe or hulking or whatever). Its terribly tempting skimp on nakeds with this as if one were to really build a character around it, which seems to really minimize the idea behind the chrome. Id like if it obfuscated your describe and nakeds on top of your label. (Id like even more if name labels were obfuscated altogether all the time in favor of shortdesc but I dont think thats even possible this far in the game)

I mostly like Metechrosis but fully agree some improvements could be made. What I don't want to see is this being made to function with armor better in any way. Stealth can be used for more than just segueing into combat. I feel Sindome already over emphasises combat characters and don't care to see that pushed further. If anything I'd prefer to see some diversification. Like gangs that actively recruit members of various specialties like sneaks and dips and medics and fixers.

I also think that the idea of applying a disguise when you hide if you have metachrosis is fine as long as losing the disguise doesn't negate the stealth bonus. Not all stealth character want to or should need to invest in the disguise skill and relevant stats to get the sneaky benefits of metachrosis in my opinion. However, given how some feel that ponchos are too much and that the game might be improved by removing them, I think it's important to consider if replacing ponchos with metachrosis is a good idea. It might be given the cost and limitations that come with metachrosis.

I do love the idea of removing that tell that tells everyone you have metachrosis so that it is only apparent when being used.

I also love the idea of having metachrosis letting you freely change your skintone. - even to non-standard colors. I've seen that dones via RP and desscriptions/nakeds in the past before skintone was created but I feel the existence of skintone has killed one RP aspect that having metachrosis allowed. Another reason why I personally wouldn't mind if skintone was just removed from the game entirely.

I also think that clothes made of certain material could play well with metachrosis. This may already be a feature but something like diamond weave could be made to not count when considering coverage. Honestly, if this were to be a thing, I think a cheaper more janky material that works with metachrosis would be a good addition to the game. Something like whatever those new color changing ponchos are made of. I also think that some low end off the rack clothing items, both janky and more stylish, would be great additions as I don't like important functionality completely locked behind PCs.

Over all I love the idea of metachrosis and I love that it's not super ideal for most combat characters. I feel that some adjustment could make this into a very competitive option.