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- AnthroCurator 2s
- JMo 28s All death is certain.
- Sivartas 4s Busy training guard scorpions in the desert
- Phexion 7s
- RedProtokoll 50m
- Treble 6s
- Emily 30m I lost myself, in the dark charade.
- QueenZombean 8s Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- Wonderland 1m
- prodoman 2m
- Hivemind 1m
- Terrible_the_duck 6s
a Mench 1s Doing a bit of everything.
And 29 more hiding and/or disguised

Gang Iconography and Phrases

I couldn't find any other posts like this and they weren't on the gang lore pages that I could see. But I think it would be beneficial if the 3 major gangs had their colors and a few examples of their common symbolism in tags or clothing, and phrases they like to shout or gang signs they like to throw up added to their lore pages.

You can find a little of this if you scour the website, such as an inverted cross being used in some Sinner art on the archetypes page, but otherwise I haven't seen anything for the Snakes and Arteries, (aside from the obvious ones like snakes and chy symbols) but I am curious if there is any phrases or iconography that might have been lost to time or might exist in these ganger only areas that might benefit from being made more publicly known and would enhance the feel of these gangs and help people roleplay as or against them more uniquely instead of shouting about x y and z turf and only that.

I also realize any ganger can just make shit up that fits, but something like this might help provide ground work to make up your own ganger phrases or gang imagery based off your own gangs established things that makes them unique.

Also, when I played a ganger, and was very new, I didn't even know the gang colors and was too embarrassed to ask for weeks to tagging was a bit awkward when I write out FUCK THE SNAKES in snake green, or whatever.

Would love if this were all added somewhere! Lore pages might be nice. Learning things ic is fun, but I think these guys have so much presence, it would be something our characters could very easily find out if they wanted to. Some of the more detailed traditions and lore are cool to pass down ic but whats mentioned here would be cool to add around the mix for flavor and rep. The gangs are really cool in Withmore and we have some great representation right now overall. I recently learned something ic that I had never known before about their uniqueness from each other. I'll note it and maybe if its not giving too much away that could be added too :) I think it would be great for encouraging ganger play.
As far as I can tell, gangs have never had set colors or styles. People assume it's yellow for the Sinners because their NPCs have some yellow sneakers, red for the Arteries because it's related to blood, and green for the Snakes because... snakes. But, there's really nothing solidifying that. Contrary information has been spread by puppets before, so maybe solid lore files on this would be a good thing.
I know players can doubt their own expertise and shy away from contributing but anyone can be made a lore editor, so anyone feels they can contribute to these please ask to be! It's not necessary to require complete knowledge on a topic, you can put in bare bones information to start and others can fill out the details as we go.

I recommend writing lore entries in a separate text document so you can cross reference changes and update things more easily.