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- Rillem 3m
- Fogchild1 23s
- baewulf 42s
- McChicken697 45m
- Enven 39m
- Thrillimanjaro 6s
- daedelus 32s Wow! Wits! Wisdom!
- adrognik 1s
- Majere_Draven 30s
- JMo 30s All death is certain.
- Burgerwolf 1h PANCAKES
a Mench 23m Doing a bit of everything.
- zxq 9m
- Emily 16m I lost myself, in the dark charade.
And 24 more hiding and/or disguised

never forget a name again...
... even if you didn't know it.

"Our tests have shown a 50 percent better memory with these than without, and the thing that's interesting is that people aren't even aware that anything is happening," Pentland said."

it's FUN not to be aware of the images flashing across your retna...