It felt like an isolated experience punctuated by occasional chats with other PCs that didn't seem to go anywhere. No hooks caught me. I waited and waited for the coolness to start and it didn't start.
When I started asking for help, I received the best terrible advice ever. Well intentioned but of so little value to me. That advice was, "Go RP! RP will fix it all! RP more!"
I thought I was RPing. I was in character. I'd RPed before. Lots. I WAS RPing. So I asked for clarification and for more help. I said I don't get it. And I got more advice. That advice was... Yep, you got it, "Go RP! RP will fix it all! RP more!"
It was frustrating and it took me a LONG time to break through. I wasn't one of those players who walked into Sindome and it all just clicked. It was a slow and painful road. And I am sure there are others out there like me.
So over the years I have worked out my own advice to new players trying to find that awesome goodness Sindome can offer. But I'm going the rout of a 5.3 step program for dummies like me that will, hopefully, help some new players get what all those old crusty oldbies mean when they say, 'Go RP!'
Try and set one or more goals. They can be massive or small. Achievable or impossible. The aim here isn't to have goals so you can succeed at them. It's to have goals so you can have a guide when asking yourself, "What do I do now?" Then think about what the stepping stones towards reaching your goals might be and note it all so staff knows what you are about.
Try and define who your character is. What role they play in the Sindome Cyberpunk world. What their vices are. What they hate. Are they a grumpy ganger, shady decker or friendly medic? Who are they connected to and how? This will (hopefully) be in your history when you start but if not or if it changes, note it. This one isn't a 'try' like goals are. It's essential and is what you have to fall back on when you can't work out number 1.
Every time you log in, try and do one or more of the following. Don't wait for something interesting to happen to your PC. You innate it. None of these things seem all that impressive alone but doing them consistently over time will help walk you to that 'RP Heaven' people talk about.
Go talk to another character, in person if possible but by any means available. During the interaction try and find a way to use it to advance your goal or to show them a part of who your character is. Then note it.
Get angry or pleased by something and show it to one or more characters. This could be based on setbacks, lack of progress or a personality quirk. Try and draw one or more PC into it. Then note it.
Pay someone for something - preferably a PC. Sure, make sure you can cover rent and clones or whatever (or don't if that fits your character better), but spend flash on others. Even if you have to do a little mental gymnastics and overly complicate simple things to excuse it and it leaves your account a little lighter than you want.
Don't be scared to engage NPCs. If it makes IC sense to do so, do it. Usually this will need to be followed up with a puppet request. Sometimes a note will do. Seriously, don't avoid NPCs like the plague. Definitely try and involve PCs as much as possible but also pursue the move that makes the most IC sense. Sometimes the only or best interface available to you given your aims IS an NPC.
If you feel like you're in a rut, DO SOMETHING. Even if it's not something you thought your character would ever do. Players have the ability to justify just about anything. Try and keep it reasonable and don't abuse this but don't get stuck in place either.
Often, this is where 1 and 2 come in handy. Can't figure out what to do? Pick a next step action for a goal and DO it, even if it's not really the best idea. Nothing clicking with goals? Then just do something that helps push theme. Have your angry ganger go bully the next person they see. Or go have your prissy Corpie go make a service mixer's life hell for fifteen minutes.