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- BubbleKangaroo 1m
- QueenZombean 7m
- Knyghtskye 1m
- Lena 7s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Komira 1m
- adrognik 1m
- Sivartas 32s
a Kard 3h
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- Baguette 3m waow
- Emily 1m Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 3h Doing a bit of everything.
And 31 more hiding and/or disguised

Reconstructive E-Note Surgery
Um, ya.

E-notes have been 'fixed' if you will, and will no longer lock you in programming mode. There is also a new programming mode interface, which allows you to actually change your code without bugging the admin, (YES!).

If your enote does not have a combination, it will automatically unlock (if it is locked) when you push anything on it. If you attempt to program it, it will automatically prompt you to enter your new code.

To accomodate the changes, all of your existing e-note security combinations have been erased. As soon as you can, you need �to set your combos.

Commands are simple.

push program on e-note - Enter programming mode.

push cancel on e-note - Exit programming mode.

push *1 on e-note - If you are in programming mode, this will allow you to change your combo.

push <Combo> on e-note - Unlocks your e-note.

(If you forget the commands, 'help e-note')

Your codes can be alphanumerical, by the way, so don't think you have to limit it to numbers only.
(Combos can be between 4 and 8 characters long.)

So... ya. Have fun!

(Edited by Wren at 9:26 pm on May 30, 2002)

Update on E-notes...

I'm a bit late on the update, but a few days ago I fixed some inconsitancies in the code that were causing some errors.

Combos, all combos, will work now.

You won't be locked in program mode or system locked mode.

If you find any other problems, please, let me know ASAP!


I had an issue when I connected an e-memory module to a docupad, and chose NOT to migrate, all of the information vanished as far as I could tell...any idea?  I don't think its on the 'old memory module' but perhaps i misplaced it.

From what I understand, E-Memory doesn't migrate data unfortunately...but Wren, how does programming work? Does it allow mode code to function or $cripts?
Quote: from Stonemonk on 7:41 pm on Jan. 14, 2007[br]I had an issue when I connected an e-memory module to a docupad, and chose NOT to migrate, all of the information vanished as far as I could tell...any idea? �I don't think its on the 'old memory module' but perhaps i misplaced it.

when you trade out chips, if you dont migrate the data to the new card, you will only have what is on the new card and all the old data is still on the old card. put the module back in to get your data back.

Meh, buying a used e-note...even at a discretionable store is real shitty when its locked...perhaps a way to crack the key should be made?
Or a reset? so that it deletes the lock code AND all the data in it, for all those non-hacker-types.
With digital camera photography the way it is now, and disposable digital cameras.. i thought it best that cameras should be able to display there contents!


view pictures on nito

(which we had before, just lists the picture names and titles)

and now

view picture_name on nito (IE: view p0000001.img on nito)

So!  You can now view pictures without printing them out.

Marvelous. Thanks dude.
Also, Fun Cam is no longer the only digital camera in game.
I'm sooOoo starting a porno node.
I dunno if its been considered, Slither, but have you thought about using the memory chips for enotes in the cameras? then pics could be transfered into enotes and printed on eprints... just an idea. i dont use them so i dont know how they work.
Quote: from ReeferMadness on 4:53 am on Feb. 10, 2007[br]Meh, buying a used e-note...even at a discretionable store is real shitty when its locked...perhaps a way to crack the key should be made?

The E-Note (and docupads) are now crackable. Cracking one will let you reset the combo to something new. Failing to crack one can have serious consequences.

On a related note, be careful about e-notes going for really cheap prices in the markets. ;)



JOY! JOY!Johnny