There was a bug where jumping off certain skywalk edges caused you to get stuck on some rooftop, due to the sewers taking up the same coordinate space. I've fixed this.
If you advertise on your apartment door, it shows your SIC id or whatever. Not sure why this feature really exists or who uses it, but because we store obj# on apartments and not charnum, if you died while advertising the apartment would show your new character. I've made it so perma-death clears the .ad prop on the door so it won't show SIC. Really, we should be using charnum, but that's a larger refactor for a feature that see's limited use, so this is a good stop gap.
Deface never got the code to ambiently report things topside if the population in a room was high enough, this has been corrected.
Lev stations were set to have no ambient population, leading to nothing in lev stations ever being ambiently reported correctly. I have bumped this number up to just above the line to report, which should result in ambient things happening in lev stations correctly(WJF reporting, ambient SIC when someone dies, etc).
The damage has been increased very slightly on the EAC BES-20 shotgun to bring it in line with other entry-level weapons of other lines.
This is the first step in a long journey for what I envision for shotguns / rifles long-term, and is likely not the final damage value for this weapon. Rather, it is a starting point so I can start with a 'clean' and even set of weapon tiers and go from there.
The WAI ARC-6 entry-level rifle now uses 6x45mm rifle ammo, as opposed to generic 6mm pistol ammo. Stores that would sell ammo have been updated to stock this new ammo, if you find anywhere you think it should be and isn't please xhelp or submit a @bug.
If you are one of the incredibly few players that have this weapon that you are now sans-ammo for, xhelp and one of us will swap your ammo over to the new stuff for you.
The reminder upon login that there were bugs you submitted with comments on them was getting lost in the scroll so I've created a scheduled task that will run every 8 hours and let you know if you have unread bug comments. Some of these may be notification the bug was closed, some will be questions from me or other coders to help us diagnose the problem.
Simply viewing the bug will clear the message, but please try to respond to any questions if you can! It'll help us get things fixed faster.
There was a bug where if you ordered something like a chocolate martini and there was a regular 'martini' on the menu, you'd get a martini, which threw off some seasonal drink ordering. I've fixed this to be more exacting. I don't think it'll have weird side effects but if anyone see's any please @bug it.
The regular expression for dealing with ordering drinks is complex, and my previous fix caused a new issue, where exact matches or close matches, resulted in the bartender asking you something like 'did you mean a crimson death or a crimson deth cigarillo'.
That's because it matches on each word in the name, and both have crimson, and it didn't find an exact match.
I've made an improvement to strip out common words, so if you say 'a crimson death.' it will strip out the 'a' and the '.' and thus result in an exact match on the crimson death menu item. But if you say 'Gimmie a crimson death.' it's going to try to find 'gimmie crimson death' and not find an exact match.
This may unfortunately be a situation where we have to simply deal with the weridness when there are multiple drinks with similar names, and be very clear about what we want when ordering these drinks.
Example interaction:
You [to Rychek]: I'd like a crimson death.
Rychek [to You]: Do you want a crimson death or a pack of Crimson Deth cigarillos?
You [to Rychek]: A crimson death.
Rychek says, "That'll be 80c."
This does mean that in situations like this, you won't be able to order two or more, using Two crimson deaths.
I may look for ways to improve this as time goes on. In the end we are solving for not being able to order certain drinks/items overall, because of the way the code was set up previously, so this is an improvement, but also annoying and I don't fully like the way it works now.
If you see more wonkiness please submit a but.
I had to revert the bartender ordering change. There are a bunch of weird edge cases that need to be accounted for, and I need to rewrite how this is processed if it's going to work the same as it does now, and fix the previously submitted bug. I'll reopen that bug and continue working on this outside of the main loop so ordering drinks works as expected in the meantime.
On 9/24/24, staff voted to make changes to the cargo licensing allowances and to freeze all existing cargo licenses outside of one faction.
Originally on the rollout of the vehicle cargo system, people outside of a unique faction could obtain cargo licenses in hopes it would encourage and foster vehicle cargo theft. But in the intervening years, that hasn't happened. We aren't seeing action in this area of the game. Vehicle cargo was created with the idea it would help open up a new venue of conflict and competition. Without that happening, we're left with another automated income system that's easy and quick, with little threat of risk or chance of loss, and an economy that's becoming increasingly bloated by automated systems (we're taking time to look into these all).
Staff and players alike want to uphold theme and see stories of conflict and struggle play out. We're completely open to opening cargo licenses back up to more people in the future, but only if we see the conflict and competition it was intended to create.
The missed call app was created in such a way that it tracks the OBJ# of the phone that was called from and not the phone number. This means that if a call is made and then the phone is recycled, we were getting tracebacks trying to access the .number property on the phone in the missed calls app when a phone was recycled. I've resolved this and it will now show the call coming from 'Destroyed Phone'.
We had some code that checked for similar cyberware when displaying nakeds and would only show one set of nakeds to reduce reading time, but this was not working when we had cyberware that had specific designs as it would only show one of the wares in nakeds. I've resolved this, I believe. I don't think there will be unintended consequences of it, but if you see any, please @bug it.