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a Mench 3h Doing a bit of everything.
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Okay, me complaining.. sorta.

Okay due to a recent post on the GRID I decided to post this thread.

NOTE: I am not complaining about anything just stateing.

This 'recent post' on the GRID. It made me put these bits and pieces of story together. What I saw was a New player. Bouncing around not knowing what was going on. I in turn took this oppurtunity to help this young one to show him\her around and get them to know a bit more about SD. Now I do not know if this was a lesson from the staff or maybe just one really, really REALLY smart newbie. But it was at my fault for being so careless to this newface. That it ended up not so good for my character.

It makes me wonder?

Has SD lost its nitty gritty feel, to just somewhat nitty gritty careless baka's runnin around?

To me it was amazing.. what happened. The way someone could run through SD like that.. But it makes me wonder was this person... -human-!!!!
Well that is the last thing I have on my mind.. Aaannd this thread is pretty much my interpretation of what had happened..

Please if I do cross IC\OOC bounderys.. delete as fast as possible because I don't like making a fool outta myself.


Maybe it wasn't a new player and just a new character? Maybe it was a new player and they've just been around the block a few times. *shrugs*

But I think what was done is a real eye-opener. The dome has been getting a bit soft as of late, and I won't say I'm not at fault either.

But yeah, good job whoever.

Okay, im glad that the first post to this Thread wasn't:


But, im glad someone agrees with me I had to get it off my chest...

1) Good job. You won at Sindome.

2) Next time we probably won't be as nice to newbies.

3) Is that really a good thing?

4) OOC indications that you are a newbie...
(- walking around naked,
- need explaining of the dome levels,
- need to try out this "pose thing because it's like the syntax in this starwars rpg I played before this one but I just want to make sure it's right",
- disconnecting in the Drome in the middle of an RP session and not coming back) .
...WILL lead people to react differently to you IC than if you come in speaking the slang, seeking clothing like a reasonable person, and in general not playing like a newbie.

Am I angry that many characters (including Russo) got played IC? Not really. It's awesome. It's a mess right now and that's wonderful in a horrible, very dark way.

Am I angry that I got played OOC? Fuck yes.

Uhm, what happened?
Oh hey also I see this as kind of a good thing because...

Newbies SHOULD be able to make lots of money and do as much screwing over as other characters.  

That the information is available for someone to make flash off of it like that? Awesome.
That characters are well enough fleshed out and ties between different characters exist to the extent that they can be played? Awesome.
That someone can rush though the city without a care in the world, set a goal and leave the character just like that? Awesome. Definitely a wake-up to those of us who have been around for...years.

Does this mean we've gone soft? I don't really think so.
I think people got played in a very CP way.

On an oldbie much of that info would have been available or worth the chy to the WJF if there weren't established characters?

Makes me think about whether or not having a character last for ages is helping or hurting the RP in the Dome. Hmm.

I personally loved all the RP one player generated. So well played and right into the CP topic.


In reply to:

4) OOC indications that you are a newbie...
- walking around naked,
- need explaining of the dome levels,
- need to try out this "pose thing because it's like the syntax in this starwars rpg I played before this one but I just want to make sure it's right",
- disconnecting in the Drome in the middle of an RP session and not coming back) .

If an established player came in with a new character and automatically 'knew' the levels of the dome and where to get clothes they would be celled faster then you could say 'OOC knowledge'.

As for misleading people OOCly, everyone should be misleading each other OOCly.  If someone asks you who you play, or what your stats are..  or anything you don't want to give out, don't feel obligated.. just LIE.  Lie and then tell an admin.  No one should know who's playing what characters and who's an admin and whos an alt.  In an ideal world, no one would know who the NPCs even are.  If what you're saying is that because of your OOC knowledge about someone you let it effect your RP with them, then perhaps thats the real lesson here.

Do not let your OOC friendships, knowledge, problems, dilemmas, fights, loves, etc, interfere with how you RP your character.

That isn't directed at anyone, it's a broad stroke.  I've seen a lot of people let OOC stuff get in the way of the reason we are all here, which is to RP.

As for people disconnecting in the middle of RP, everyone has connection troubles sometime.

(Edited by Slither at 7:47 pm on April 30, 2008)

Has the dome gotten soft: Fuck yes.

Go ahead. Tell me to go play hack and slash. It is not relevant but that's the only response you can get on that matter.

Go play hack-n-slash.
See what I mean?

I remember when GM's and Admins were the ones doing all the hacking and slashing on pc's.  That's what happened when you fucked up or screwed with the wrong crowd. You got shot. You got tossed off of buildings. you got dragged into shadowy rooms and tortured. You got fucked up for fucking up.

But no. That is not good for the game apparently. Especially since the mix is supposed to be comptonx500.

I mean honestly, IRL, you know, that thing this game is trying to make a loose sim of with cyberz and techz and warez tossed in, would you feel sorry for yourself if a pcp addicted ganger broke both of your legs and shot you in the gut for trying to rip him off? Or sell him out to the law?

I'm thinking SD should just make all firearms shoot water and all bladed objects made of rubber.

Said that merely to accommodate you by the way.
Quote: from Biohazard on 10:58 am on May 10, 2008[br]I remember when GM's and Admins were the ones doing all the hacking and slashing on pc's.  That's what happened when you fucked up or screwed with the wrong crowd. You got shot. You got tossed off of buildings. you got dragged into shadowy rooms and tortured. You got fucked up for fucking up.

Happy days... ooh, I've come over all nostalgic.

Wonder if it's a bad thing that I remember doing all your examples to player chars at least once... heh.

i was thinking the same thing.
Yeah, the place is more of a Sponge than a Dome. More than anything else, I think, a balance is necessary.

One recent char I had had their life saved from their own ineptitude at least once by a GM, and it barely even made sense. OOCly, that annoyed me.

I think it might have been as annoying as that event we all experienced right at the start of our Sindome careers: we end up hopelessly lost in the sewers, being eaten alive by rats and wondering why nobody warned us about it first. That pissed me off a lot too.

I think some kind of standard should be set. I hate being saved from death as a more experienced player because it's unrealistic and boring as hell. As a newb I wished I'd been given a better introduction to the setting.

The best memories I have of this game, however, are those of throwing/being thrown off buildings, being shot, being challenged and eventually failing every time. To me, cyberpunk is more than just "cyber". It's important that 99.99% of people in a cyberpunk setting are "punks"... failures.

Being able to enjoy the hellish setting of this kind of world takes some getting used to; it's almost masochistic. Therefore, new players will want success and I think older players will want failure. Making loads of cash by running crates all day only to have my ass saved as if by magic at the first sign of danger is not my idea of fun, ironically. People are too damn friendly. The balance is key.

God damn it, now I have to go make it happen. My brain better fucking hold out this time.

Well, since you're a returning player, the admin that did the saving may have -thought- you were a newb, not recognizing the character name and all.  We tend to save newbies at least once, from deaths they didn't expect (wild dogs, rats, falling).
Kudos Pete and Bio, I agree with you both.