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- BubbleKangaroo 4m
- Rillem 28s
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- RedProtokoll 4m
- Sivartas 22s Burning bridges as i run past.
- AdamBlue9000 59s Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
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- Emily 8m Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Kard 8h
- Bruhlicious 29s Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- Baguette 9s waow
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a Mench 23h Doing a bit of everything.
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help writing-history not specific enough

"Hi! You've got a good start on your story, but there are a few things we'll need to you change and add. Your character can't start out as a clone, as that might actually have an in-game effect on your character which couldn't have happened in your history. You'll need to rework that part, and we also need to know (character)'s exact place of birth and the full names of both of her parents. Also, we need to see how (character) learned all of her skills. Right now, only (skill) is explained."

Nowhere in the help menu does it specify that one may not start out as a clone.

This may seem obvious to older players, but as someone unfamiliar with all the mechanics of the game, it seems like a decent oversight to not list this rule in "help writing-history" as a "don't". Please spare other players the time of rewriting their backstories in the future by updating this help menu.



Also can't be born in places that no longer exist, or have a million undocumentable states that are coded in game. Just about all players get their @history kicked back once or thrice chum, I wouldn't stress about it. There's a lot of theme compliance the staff with help with. It's daunting for new players but it gets easier with time.
Also, a full list of "don't"s would contain a lot of spoilers about the game world. I wouldn't be surprised if over half of us have touched on one of those things we can't have in our history. It comes with the territory of a game with a ton of lore to discover.
i dont see how stating "you cant start as a clone :)" would spoil anything about the game world

To be honest, I don't actually know what that means, and I erred on the side of caution when I mentioned that spoilers could be a possibility.

Is the character artificially created from scratch?

Is the character double-sleeved?

Has the character died once before and come out of the vats as a clone?

You can 100% start out AS a clone. You can't start out WITH a clone.

If you got feedback you couldn't start AS a clone, that is incorrect, but perhaps it was just a misunderstanding of the feedback?

Clones have to be gotten in character. They cost money. It's an 'extra life' so to speak. Has to be gotten through IC means. Also, we don't allow you to be a clone, without having been a person before being the clone, if that makes sense. You can play a clone with no memory of their past life if you want, but your character needs to have had a past life and the GMs need to know about it, thus it needs to be in your history. Hope this clears it up.

(Edited by Slither at 7:40 pm on 9/27/2021)

I was told I couldn't be a clone outright. It was a character created artificially from scratch originally.
Original history:

Character Name was born in year/month/day to a poor family in a town not far from X Bay in the X region of Japan.

Later X remembered being orphaned into the care of X's mother's employer, Matahashi Industries; after X's father's dealer murdered both her parents over some pilfered smack.

X's adolescent years were spent outside of traditional schooling, being raised and tutored privately by an android X knew as Matashi-Sensei in everything one would need to know to be a minimally effective electronics technician for Matahashi Industries.

In year, tragedy struck again for X, as retaining walls near X Bay failed due to a batch of faulty nano-robitics colonies, sweeping away x's life in a tidal flood.

X's apartment, x's place of work, all of x's material possessions; all gone, like leaves in a gutter.

Upon arrival in City some days later, X attempted to file with the local authorities for refugee status, only to discover the Japanese government had no record of x or x's parents ever existing.

Matahashi Industries had produced X as a clone (equivalent in growth and development to a 14 year old) on date and implanted false memories of a childhood in X's mind, in direct violation of international law, as part of a workforce-bolstering initiative.

After weeks on the run, X was able to contact the Yakuza and strike a deal with them for safe passage to Withmore city.

Previously a shy, unassuming (gendered noun), X sold use of x's body to preserve x's life.

In the months to come, X swore to x's self, x would weave x's own fate outside the clutches of Matahashi, and above all, x would live to tell about it.

Revised history:

Full name was born in year on date to Name (mother) and Name (father); a poor couple in the town of x, x District, x Japan not far from x Bay. From around the age of eight, X found that if x was to eat, x would need to fend for x's self; on account of x's father's costly addiction to opioids taking precedent over all necessities of the family. X turned to assisting some unsavory figures in x's local slums in the manufacture of munitions, explosives, and multiple other controlled substances, learning a foundation in chemistry through this work. In compensation for x's assistance, X was fed and clothed, though little more could be said for this young self-starter. In year, X was orphaned into the care of x's mother's employer, Matahashi Industries; after x's father's dealer murdered both x's parents over some pilfered smack. Most of x's adolescent years were spent in the care and tutor of an android x knew as Matashi-Sensei, in everything one would need to know to be a minimally effective electronics technician for Matahashi Industries. (skill, skill, skill)

In year, tragedy struck again for X, as retaining walls near X Bay failed due to a batch of faulty nano-robitics colonies, sweeping away x's life in a tidal flood. X's apartment, x's place of work, all of x's material possessions; gone, like leaves in a gutter. Upon arrival in City a few days later, X attempted to file with the local authorities for refugee status, only to discover the Japanese government had no record of x ever existing. X's mother had given birth at home, and neither of x's parents had ever completed paperwork to establish x's birth on paper. The authorities became convinced that X had been created as a clone by Matahashi Industries, in direct defiance of international law, as part of a workforce-bolstering initiative. X was forced to flee, and after weeks on the run, was able to contact members of the Yakuza to strike a deal for safe passage to Withmore city. Previously a shy, unassuming (gendered noun), X sold use of x's body to preserve x's life. In the years to come, X swore to x's self, x would clear x's name and make a life for x's self beyond what x possibly could have imagined when x started working, all those years ago.


If the administrator was indeed incorrect to force me out of that specific subpoint, I would very much appreciate being able to rectify my character's history to be in-line with my original intent. If this is not an option, seeing as the revised history has already been approved, I completely understand. I do, however, very much believe that being artificially created could be part of a much more compelling story arch. Looking forward to your clarification.

